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So, is Planescape: Torment, next?

After all, it uses the same engine as BG and IWD. And it is a great game.


  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    As I understand it. The possibility has not been completely ruled out, but it is not currently being worked on. I would certainly love for them to do that one too.
  • LuremasterLuremaster Member Posts: 100
    @Ravenslight is right. I read an article about this recently (don't remember where) but they made it pretty clear that Adventure Y is their top priority at the moment. There is interest in making PSTEE, BG3, and a 5th Edition game as well but those are on the back burner for now.
  • ArcanisArcanis Member Posts: 377
    Mhm.. I personaly have a hard time seeing PS:T EE, myself.

    Mostly because I have no idea what they want to improve..
    Sure the game is not perfect, but the work - change ratio would be huuuge.

    The engine is heavily modified in the first place (afaik), thus they would have much work there.
    Adding content would be hard to, since it is so text-heavy. The npc's in BG 1&2 have different styles in the
    first place, thus additions can be made without risking intrusion (and much of the community has tried
    npc-mods, thus adding even more writing-styles to it..)
    But in PS:T everything seems much more ..seamless? To add anything to it, you would have to get into
    one writing style -and that is always a problem for creativity.

    Bottom line, I think PS:T EE is just not worth the monumental ammount of work it would take.
    If they finish BGY and their current trend continues (aka getting better every time =P) I think
    they should start with BGNext. =P

    ...Also I would prefer to see NWN turned into an infinity engine game with nice additions..
    There was so much potential in that game =/
    I also hope their next game will use a more modern engine, but not by much, since I would love
    to play it on my pc, which is made for office work =P
  • LuremasterLuremaster Member Posts: 100
    @Arcanis: There would be many more obstacles to overcome in order to make an EE of PST because of the reasons you listed but I believe it can be done and I personally would love it. I want ALL Infinity Engine games on my phone, tablet, and multiple computers!

    Okay I'm beginning to think that I may have a problem :neutral:
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    I can see it would be a challenge to add new content. Especially content that would please everyone. But honestly I would love it if all they did was upgrade it to work better on modern PCs and fixed all the bugs. Though much of that can be modded to work now, for many people, it really is a pain to do. I think it would bring so many new fans to the game if an EE edition was made. Much like the Baldur’s Gate EEs have done.
  • ArcanisArcanis Member Posts: 377
    @Luremaster Don't get me wrong, I would love a worthy Enhanced Edition, but.. if they are up to
    the task to enhance the best written (subjectiv claim) IE game, which has (most probably) the worst code
    out of them... then they have the ability to make a NEW awesome game and if I have to choose.. I
    for one would choose the new game (at least if it works on my pc.. otherwise I want PS:T EE please =P)

    Well, it is up to them.. What I have seen ensured me that I can live with their decision either way. =)
  • LuremasterLuremaster Member Posts: 100
    @Arcanis I agree with you about a new game. I am really looking forward to Adventure Y and any potential 5E game (or maybe BG3!!) but I would actually be a bit disappointed if Beamdog doesn't at least TRY to enhance PST. I feel like it could potentially be the greatest of all the EEs if done properly.
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