Quick Question about Dorn (BGEE1&2)

Planning a new playthrough which will be with a more evil based party.
Dorn kinda ends up as my 6th member, and I was wonder if dropping him and rerecruiting him a few times causes problem with his quests/romance.
I.e., I will need another Thief in BGEE while I duel Imoen, and during BG2EE I like to do get companions for a temporary time just to do their quest. During those times I will have to drop Dorn probably, hence the question.
Planning a new playthrough which will be with a more evil based party.
Dorn kinda ends up as my 6th member, and I was wonder if dropping him and rerecruiting him a few times causes problem with his quests/romance.
I.e., I will need another Thief in BGEE while I duel Imoen, and during BG2EE I like to do get companions for a temporary time just to do their quest. During those times I will have to drop Dorn probably, hence the question.
Imoen leaves your party if you get too evil, btw, so if you're going to be evil through the entire game, she's only a good choice for a bit of the beginning depending on how evil you wanna be.
Not sure what to tell you unless you make a multiplayer game and just make your own complete Evil party.
Last time I finished BG1 I ended up pretty neutral on reputation, I'll probably deep just a bit lower.
In BG2 I'll use SCS to leash the reputation, as it goes up like crazy.
Parties would be something like: Viconia, Edwin, Imoen(Yoshimo), Kagain/Korgan, Dorn(Replacement Thief/Quest Companion)