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Problem leveling cleric/mage

Hi I am a dual class cleric/mage. I am going 12 levels cleric and subsequently X levels mage.

I have reached level 12 mage and I have 1 weapon proficiency to spend and quarterstaff and sling are full. I can't take dart because I am a cleric.

The is nothing to spend the proficiency on and so I cannot level up.

Any solutions preferably short and easy to understand.


  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    There is nothing you can do if you play without mods, you'll have to pick dart or dagger which you won't be able to use.

    If you're on the computer you could download shadowkeeper and edit it into something your cleric could use.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    You could use the save game editor to remove a proficiency then you could level up as normal. I'm hoping someone chimes in with a better solution.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    The answer is to level-squat: don't try to level up to Mage 12, instead just keep on playing as Mage 11 until you have enough XP to level directly to Mage 13 (1,125,000 in your Mage class, instead of 750,000 XP). The game will recognise that you have enough XP to jump two levels instead of one, but will correctly calculate that there's a proficiency point still owing to you from the level-up which you skipped.

    Then you'll regain the Cleric as an active class when you level to Mage 13, but you'll still be offered the outstanding point of unallocated weapon proficiency from Mage 12, which you can then invest in a Cleric weapon (because those will become active again as a result of regaining Cleric as an active class). Thus you'll be able to invest it in Mace/Flail/Hammer/Club if any of those were not already allocated whilst you were a pure Cleric before dualling, or you'll be able to put it into a Weapon Style (which will again become available as a Cleric, even though they were temporarily unavailable whilst you were a Mage). Since you have Quarterstaff proficiency from your time as a Mage, Two-Handed Style would probably make sense (unless you already allocated that before dualling).

    If it happens to be the case that you already allocated proficiencies to all of Mace/Flail/Hammer/Club and also to Two-Handed Style whilst you were a pure Cleric, then having now allocated Sling and Quarterstaff during your time as a Mage, your remaining (slightly) useful option when you use up the Mage 12 proficiency point on levelling up to Mage 13 will be to invest in Sword-and-Shield Style.

    After that (at Mage 18 and Mage 24), you'll have nothing left except to invest those last two proficiencies in the remaining weapon styles (One-Weapon Style and Two-Weapon Style), even though those aren't very useful to a Cleric->Mage.
  • claudiusclaudius Member Posts: 82
    I am on PC.

    I have used shadow keeper with my old discs version of BG2 but not with enhanced edition on steam. It is a miracle if I can do anything on a computer but with enough persistence then maybe. Any links to instructions on how to use shadow keeper?

    I like the idea of waiting till 13 cleric but I am worried I will eventually 'hit the wall' again to running out of slots.

    Thanks everyone for commenting and I am glad the game is still recent enough to have some activity.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    edited March 2015
    You'll have to use EEkeeper, you can download it here:

    It has its own thread here on this forum:
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    edited March 2015
    claudius said:

    I like the idea of waiting till 13 cleric but I am worried I will eventually 'hit the wall' again to running out of slots.

    Hang on a sec, you said originally that you're doing Cleric 12 dualled to Mage X, so you'll never get Cleric 13. Maybe that's a typo, perhaps you meant to say "Mage 13"?

    Assuming that you're doing Cleric12->MageX, then no, don't worry, you won't "hit the wall". Your final proficiency point will be earnt at Mage 24. (The next would have been at Mage 30, but you'll reach only Mage 28 because of the XP cap.) Your proficiency points at Mage 18 and Mage 24 will probably be going into styles which are fairly useless to a Cleric/Mage, but nevertheless there'll be just enough options available that you'll always have something into which to put the point.

  • claudiusclaudius Member Posts: 82
    I do hit the wall @Gallowglass. I am level 12 cleric dualed to X mage. I just hit level 12 as a mage so I have not recovered cleric abilities yet. I am level 12 cleric and level 12 mage. I still need 1 more level to unlock the cleric abilities again.

    Mage gets a proficiency at 12. I have already taken staff and sling. So it gives me another point and I cannot spend it.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Well that's what I discussed in my first reply - the answer is not to try levelling up until you can level directly to 13.

    But then you worried about hitting the wall again at some later stage, and my second answer was to explain that you never will, because you'll hit the XP cap before you (again) run out of places to spend your proficiency points.
  • claudiusclaudius Member Posts: 82
    Oh I see now.
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