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**spoiler**Can someone tell me how to escape from the final fight against Alorgoth?

Cyruschen0112Cyruschen0112 Member Posts: 55
After defeating the dragon, the cave collapses and all the people are saying Alorgoth is too powerful to kill, we need to run away from the cave. But I cannot find the way to escape, and after the time runs out, all the mission fails. Can someone tell me hao to get throught this? Thanks!
Post edited by Cyruschen0112 on


  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    edited March 2015
    You should have written **Spoiler** in your title...
    To answer your question, once the dragon is dead, you can pick up from its corpse the wheel of obliteration.
    Pick it up, get back to the big gem (the one next to you when you arrive), and use the wheel of obliteration (put it in one of your quickslots and use it as you would use some potion or scroll). A portal should appear, just click on it.
    Note that there apparently is a bug : if Rasaad is not in your team you do not have the final dialogue between him and Alorgoth and can't escape the shadow Plane after that.

    By the way, do not forget to get the items from Alorgoth quarters (North-east top of the hall floor), you will have 3 extremely powerful items up there. No key is required, just a thief with enough lock pick points.
  • Cyruschen0112Cyruschen0112 Member Posts: 55
    Okay, I forgot to write spoiler. Thank u for your answer.
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