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iOS / iPad Portrait Issue

I have read up all the posts I could find on importing a custom portrait for my character. (The culmination being the applicable sectionat

I have produced a 210x330 24-bit file named aryal.bmp and placed it in a zip file. I then renamed that zip file to arya.bg1portrait and emailed it to myself. On my iPad, the arya.bg1portrait attachment is displayed with the BG:EE icon on it in my mail message. When I touch the attachment, i get a prompt for which program to use to open the file. I select BG:EE and BG:EE opens. All this is as expected.

HOWEVER, when I try to customize my character, and select the "appearance" option, there is no button to select a custom portrait. Also, if I cycle through the portraits, all i see are the stock ones and not my custom one. This is true of a brand new game I create after doing all the steps above as well as my existing saved games.

Any advice?


  • grahamersgrahamers Member Posts: 30
    I solved the issue. I had some .bmp files left over in the iPad directory structure from previous attempts at this a year ago. I deleted all .bmp files using iFunBox and the steps to use a custom portrai worked as expected for both new and saved games.
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