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Searching for permanent boosters

BG1 had tomes scattered around like candy. I kept the tome of int boost to the bitter end to give it to Imoen the mage in 2 although it didn't seem to make the transition. There don't seem to be many permanent ability booster in 2. Just something I read about but haven't got to yet, a fortune booth that only works once? What else do you do to boost Imoen to 18 int for the bonuses and highest level spells?


  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    With ToB, you do not need 18 int to cast level 9 spell. You only need int to learn them. Basically, buy a potion of genius (worth nothing in BG2), drink it, learn your spells, you are fine.

    If you really wanna boost your INT on a NPC, you only have 2 ways to do so:
    Machine of Lum the Mad which you will see while going through Watcher s Keep
    Deck of many things (Int boost is for mage only), in Watcher s Keep as well.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Yeah, until the very end and TOB, BG2 has no permanent stat boosters. Still, Arunsun's right that potions of genius serve well enough for 9th level spell purposes.
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