D&D:WOTES remake/mod?
Can anyone remember 'Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun' for the Megadrive/Genesis? A fun, yet heavily flawed game.

I was thinking how cool the game would be if it was redone in the infinity engine. What are your thoughts? Would you like to see a WOTES:EE?

I was thinking how cool the game would be if it was redone in the infinity engine. What are your thoughts? Would you like to see a WOTES:EE?
I'd favor making a single character and then letting any of the NPC archetypes join you, and then adding some more RP/story elements to the plot.
For dungeons, you gotta keep it first person, though, but keep it turn-based and not the original live/button mash mess that it was.
I'd be totally interested in a remake.