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Tabletop roleplaying noob

alannahsmithalannahsmith Member Posts: 143
Hello all!
I have been on these forums for quite a while. I love all CRPGS (can't wait for Pillars release this week!), but I have been watching some tabletop dnd games on twitch lately.
They seem like so much fun! And I can't believe I have never gotten into tabletop dnd before!
So, I am calling out to all pnp players: I want to get into some tabletop campaigns but I do not know how or where to start.
Any help or advice for me would be appreciated.

Thanks all,



  • hisplshispls Member Posts: 166
    Most game stores have a day or two a week where players get together and play in the store or at least would know if there's a local group that meets regularly.

    Might want to check Wizards of the Coast website click on D&D links and I'll bet they have a list to search local stores that sell their products and have gaming days/nights.
  • alannahsmithalannahsmith Member Posts: 143
    Ah, I never thought of gaming stores! Thank you @hispls :D
  • KalesraKalesra Member Posts: 234
    Do you live in or near a decent sized city? If so, try There may be some meetup groups in your area devoted to tabletop RPGs in general, or to specific systems/settings. When I was living in NYC that's how I found games and players and met some great people who I still game with via Skype years later on the other side of the world.
  • SciobthaSciobtha Member Posts: 54
    Failing all else in trying to meet in person, try a virtual site. I use as the nerd seeding seems to have been a lesser value in my area.

    It basically allows you to do virtual PnP, which is better than nothing I guess, though I am still hoping to find a group! :)
  • MagpieRandomsMagpieRandoms Member Posts: 72
    Alanna, I only started playing recently after YEARS of wanting to try it!

    I didn't know anyone that played, or would be interested in playing, so I started searching online for games to join. I found success over Facebook. There were several groups in my area and from joining these I met people who wanted to start a game.

    Don't be discouraged if your first group doesn't work out. In my first group, the DM was terrible (thankfully the campaign was a short one, only three sessions!), but I tried again and found four other players and a really good DM.

    We are now three months into our campaign and we meet once a week. It is GREAT FUN! I love it and I've caught the D&D 'bug' now (I now have a growing collection of different coloured dice and fear it is becoming an addiction. People should seriously warn you that this is a 'thing...').

    I am playing 5th edition. Unless you are DMing, you only really need the Player's Handbook, a set of dice and some character sheets to start with.
  • chimericchimeric Member Posts: 1,163
    Good to hear it worked out for you. :)
  • TawmisTawmis Member Posts: 120
    Everyone has offered great ways of finding fellow tabletop gamers... One thing I want to add, don't be discouraged if you find a group, and it's not what you expected. Different people have different playing styles. I've been in games that have been very casual, I've been in games, where it's very serious, and I have been in games, that go all out - turn off the lights, play by candlelight... and in each of those games, you find different people... some are strict rule callers, some are joking all the time... so, it may take a few times to find a group that fits what you're looking for.
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