Come on, give us some footage

Who else wants to see some moving footage? Screenshots are nice but I want some reallive footage to see it all in action. Don't worry, I allready ordered the game. But keep us sattisfied please these coming weeks with some goodies.
I wouldn't wonder if they put new screenshots by next week though... Their latest "Soon" really appears to be "soon"
As for a trailer, well that could be kinda tricky, no? Trailers are usually hard to do, especially for remakes I feel...
Ha, that image is awesome, did someone put "rolly eyes" on one of those Honey Bear style containers?
Oh well, one day at a time.
I'm glad they held the AMAA, because they gave up just enough that I was satisifed.
...I played some Baldur's Gate (BGT) last night.
In all seriousness, I'd prefer the BG:EE team focus their efforts on making release day hotter than hotcakes. They've been very open about lot of changes, and yes, a little secretive about some things. But it's a game that's been out for 14 years...let them have a little fun, would you?
that was the most awesome pic ever, i would have given you insiteful, agree, and like if i could