Perilous Journey

I purchased BG1&2 EE recently and am excited to start my epic journey through the universe! Ive played BG1 and 2 many many years ago, never finished it, and don't remember much today. Essentially I am starting fresh.
My approach usually tends to have me exhaustingly searching forums and guides to find just the right fit, but not spoil any more than that! There are so many options, and in doing so I have become hopelessly confuzzeled as to what I should go for. Originally it was going to be an archer, then I read about late game difficulties... My roleplaying side would like to have a natural alignment character. One at home with nature. A mix of bows, magic and two big ass swords for when things get ugly.
Anyone have some recommendations?
I purchased BG1&2 EE recently and am excited to start my epic journey through the universe! Ive played BG1 and 2 many many years ago, never finished it, and don't remember much today. Essentially I am starting fresh.
My approach usually tends to have me exhaustingly searching forums and guides to find just the right fit, but not spoil any more than that! There are so many options, and in doing so I have become hopelessly confuzzeled as to what I should go for. Originally it was going to be an archer, then I read about late game difficulties... My roleplaying side would like to have a natural alignment character. One at home with nature. A mix of bows, magic and two big ass swords for when things get ugly.
Anyone have some recommendations?
Out of the Ranger kits, Stalkers are the only ones that can wield weapons like swords effectively as Archers only get proficiency and Beast Masters can only use wooden weapons. Also, they get two-weapon fighting for free.
In short, I'd recommend Stalker.
Other than Rangers, your only pure-class options for characters that can use bows and swords and cast spells are Undead Hunter, Blackguard, and Bard (including kits). Dual- or multi-classing opens up more options, but none of them will be as explicitly nature-based as Rangers.
Alternatively, you might have fun with a fighter/mage or a fighter/druid (although fighter/druids can't use bows). Both add some serious spellcasting, and eventually become very powerful without sacrificing a huge amount of physical power.
Thank you for all the advice! I ended up going with a half-elf, fighter/mage for the run through. Going with two long swords as the main attack, and magic as my defense.
I gave up on the range based on reading about later bosses and enemies being hard to hit with archery, and appropriate ammo being rare. Stalker also didn't vibe well with my rp ideals. Perhaps I read into it wrong, but something about sneaking around isn't my jib.