How sad for you, its one of the best games ever made in the dungeons and dragons setting, made by sierra, in 1993. Nowadays you need dosbox to play it.
In the Land of Canada where the designers lie One company to remake them all One company to find them One company to bling them all and from the ashes redesign them In the land of Canada where the designers lie
I dont think this studio is interested in creating games from scratch. I think they should remake gorgons alliance though. but tracking down the license could prove difficult.
You cant really get a feel for the game by watching a single youtube vid. The ad&d dungeons in the game are very well and cleverly/impressively designed, but of course the graphics are terrible compared to this age. I still play this game from time to time on dosbox. No other game like it in existence. Unfortunately, the editor for the game doesnt work with dosbox. It used to work in older version of windows though. I always edited all the regents because I felt many of them were too weak and didnt stand a chance of surviving.
One company to remake them all
One company to find them
One company to bling them all
and from the ashes redesign them
In the land of Canada where the designers lie
Yes! Something like this, but in Infinity Engine, maybe Baldur rules? 8o