Lowest thac0

Just a random question, but does anyone know what the lowest thac0 possible is for charname?
I'm sure it's possible to get much lower but I got a -2 with an elven archer ( I can't remember what bow and arrows I had).
I'm sure it's possible to get much lower but I got a -2 with an elven archer ( I can't remember what bow and arrows I had).
13 (base THAC0) - 3 (weapon mastery bonus) - 3 (dexterity bonus) - 2 (Archer bonus) - 1 (Elf longbow bonus) = 4
With some magical equipment, you can get lower:
- 3 (Long Bow of Marksmanship) - 4 (Arrows of Piercing) - 2 (Bracers of Archery) = -5
After that, you can get temporary buffs from spells and potions. Potions of Power, Heroism, and Mind Focusing will all improve your ranged THAC0.
Excerpt from the BG:EE manual:
I'm probably missing something, but I don't see how to improve this. Having 19 or 20 strength won't help. A Kensai could match it without wearing the gauntlets or helm. An Elf could switch out the +3 weapon for Varscona because of the racial long sword bonus.
EDIT: @reedmilfam: That depends on whether they actually help CHARNAME.
Okay, so our character is an elven berserker with the Shortsword of Backstabbing. That gives us our starting THAC0 of 1. We rage for +2. We drink a Potion of Power to set our base THAC0 (13) to 80% of its normal value (10), giving us an effective +3. We drink a Potion of Cloud Giant Strength and then use our DUHM innate power, bringing our strength to 25, which gives an additional +4 above our current bonus. We then use the Sandthief's Ring to make ourselves invisible, giving us +4 to hit for one attack. That's +13, in total, or a final THAC0 of -12. Admittedly, only for one attack, but we're not including supporting casters, either. A Bless and a Chant would give us another +2, and a mage could cast Improved Invisibility to make us invisible for longer.