
MyChar's list of things to do had gotten down to manageable proportions. (I'm sure there are dozens of other quests around, but what I don't know wont hurt me, right?)
Only rescuing Haer Dalis, going to the aid of the good folks in the Umar Hills, and collecting some rent checks were left on it. And after all, who better to engineer a prison break than a collection of hardened thugs? So, deciding to retain his loyal(?) posse of evildoers, he bravely fared forth to bust the singer out of durance vile.
The first encounter was with some self-styled bounty hunters, who talked big but failed to live up to their bragging. (Actually, they put up a fairly stiff resistance, but this is the Evil side of MyChar speaking; he wont give a defeated foe any respect). After that, he fell into a sort of daze, punctuated by visions of terrifying battles and humiliating defeats. He awakened from a fitful slumber, to find that it had all been a horrible dream. Whew!
(out of respect for the two people here who have not done this scenario yet, I'll use a spoiler thingie)
Ahem. Waking up, he heeded his prophetic vision and took appropriate precautions, sending some scouting elements (the usual stuff: elemental, skeletal warrior, some summoned monsters) ahead of the main group. Just as well. A fierce combat ensued, which taxed everyone's limits, but resulted in final victory.
(Combat details again being withheld, but if you read the spoiler you can guess what the opposition was like).
For an other dimensional prison, the place was sloppily organized. Well, ok, our attacks didn't leave any survivors to spread the alarm, but still you would have expected an occasional patrol to check up on the prisoners. I guess, in their defense, after years of quietude they weren't expecting an extra-dimensional heavy assault. Indeed, complacency has been the downfall of many throughout history. (Translation: You can sleep there and regain spells after combat without being disturbed).
Going onward, in the next room we encountered the chief jailer, a fairly heavy hitter. But we knew now what sort of opposition to expect, and our thug level proved superior to theirs. Also he dropped an orb doohickey, which we had been clued in was important. We dropped it into a certain spot, and were rewarded by destruction of all the collars on all the remaining thralls. They were free! Rebellion! Revolution! Cue Spartacus! The vile warden was sure to be overthrown in the face of such an uprising!
Umm, no. We could hear the death screams of the thralls as the Warden killed them all one by one. We figured that the Warden had to be one mean dude. So, when the time came, we buffed up with every known prep spell, and summoned everything we could. Elementals, skeletal warriors, summon animal, Monster summonings, children of the Night and even a woodland nymph were called upon.
We sent them ahead in a huge assault wave. OK, most of them couldn't actually hurt the Warden, but we figured that he would be confused by such a target rich environment, and so it proved. We sniped away at him while he was distracted; he found the flock of rabid chickens especially puzzling. J/K!
SO, end result, he went down and the bards were freed. Another blow struck for the cause of Artistic License and Freedom of Speech! And there was great rejoicing. Umm, well, OK ... my crew of goons was unimpressed by this and were mainly interested in the loot, which was fairly decent.
Should I try to collect the rent, or head for the long neglected folks of the Umar Hills? Hmm, Nalia might get upset when this uncouth bunch tracked tracked mud in all over her floors; she has barely gotten the blood stains out, and these guys just won't learn to wipe their feet. Hills it is.
Only rescuing Haer Dalis, going to the aid of the good folks in the Umar Hills, and collecting some rent checks were left on it. And after all, who better to engineer a prison break than a collection of hardened thugs? So, deciding to retain his loyal(?) posse of evildoers, he bravely fared forth to bust the singer out of durance vile.
The first encounter was with some self-styled bounty hunters, who talked big but failed to live up to their bragging. (Actually, they put up a fairly stiff resistance, but this is the Evil side of MyChar speaking; he wont give a defeated foe any respect). After that, he fell into a sort of daze, punctuated by visions of terrifying battles and humiliating defeats. He awakened from a fitful slumber, to find that it had all been a horrible dream. Whew!
(out of respect for the two people here who have not done this scenario yet, I'll use a spoiler thingie)
Translation: He got his butt kicked, died, and it was suddenly reboot time. First one in a long while, too.
The worst part of it is, it was entirely avoidable, and due to negligence. Being a greedy beggar, he has retained all of the best loot for himself. Much of his equipment conveys immunity to this and that, which combined with the berserk state means he is a hard to stop monster in melee combat.
Scouting revealed the presence of umber hulks, and since his main weapon, Lilarcor, makes him immune to confusion, he buffed up and ran forward alone, figuring to take them out before subjecting the rest of the group to their gazes. The plan was that once the hulks were dead, the others could come in and take out the rest of the trash while he backed off and healed up. Unfortunately, when he reached the foe, he discovered that he was holding Heartseeker and not Lilarcor, and was trying to beat an umber hulk to death by hitting it over the head with a longbow. This did not go well.
He was immediately hit by confusion, and being way out in front of everyone else, was promptly targeted by every nasty out there ... umber hulks, thralls of various types, and a talking wyvern ... while he stood there in a stupor. Death followed mercifully quickly, despite rescue efforts.
The worst part of it is, it was entirely avoidable, and due to negligence. Being a greedy beggar, he has retained all of the best loot for himself. Much of his equipment conveys immunity to this and that, which combined with the berserk state means he is a hard to stop monster in melee combat.
Scouting revealed the presence of umber hulks, and since his main weapon, Lilarcor, makes him immune to confusion, he buffed up and ran forward alone, figuring to take them out before subjecting the rest of the group to their gazes. The plan was that once the hulks were dead, the others could come in and take out the rest of the trash while he backed off and healed up. Unfortunately, when he reached the foe, he discovered that he was holding Heartseeker and not Lilarcor, and was trying to beat an umber hulk to death by hitting it over the head with a longbow. This did not go well.
He was immediately hit by confusion, and being way out in front of everyone else, was promptly targeted by every nasty out there ... umber hulks, thralls of various types, and a talking wyvern ... while he stood there in a stupor. Death followed mercifully quickly, despite rescue efforts.
Ahem. Waking up, he heeded his prophetic vision and took appropriate precautions, sending some scouting elements (the usual stuff: elemental, skeletal warrior, some summoned monsters) ahead of the main group. Just as well. A fierce combat ensued, which taxed everyone's limits, but resulted in final victory.
(Combat details again being withheld, but if you read the spoiler you can guess what the opposition was like).
For an other dimensional prison, the place was sloppily organized. Well, ok, our attacks didn't leave any survivors to spread the alarm, but still you would have expected an occasional patrol to check up on the prisoners. I guess, in their defense, after years of quietude they weren't expecting an extra-dimensional heavy assault. Indeed, complacency has been the downfall of many throughout history. (Translation: You can sleep there and regain spells after combat without being disturbed).
Going onward, in the next room we encountered the chief jailer, a fairly heavy hitter. But we knew now what sort of opposition to expect, and our thug level proved superior to theirs. Also he dropped an orb doohickey, which we had been clued in was important. We dropped it into a certain spot, and were rewarded by destruction of all the collars on all the remaining thralls. They were free! Rebellion! Revolution! Cue Spartacus! The vile warden was sure to be overthrown in the face of such an uprising!
Umm, no. We could hear the death screams of the thralls as the Warden killed them all one by one. We figured that the Warden had to be one mean dude. So, when the time came, we buffed up with every known prep spell, and summoned everything we could. Elementals, skeletal warriors, summon animal, Monster summonings, children of the Night and even a woodland nymph were called upon.
We sent them ahead in a huge assault wave. OK, most of them couldn't actually hurt the Warden, but we figured that he would be confused by such a target rich environment, and so it proved. We sniped away at him while he was distracted; he found the flock of rabid chickens especially puzzling. J/K!
SO, end result, he went down and the bards were freed. Another blow struck for the cause of Artistic License and Freedom of Speech! And there was great rejoicing. Umm, well, OK ... my crew of goons was unimpressed by this and were mainly interested in the loot, which was fairly decent.
Should I try to collect the rent, or head for the long neglected folks of the Umar Hills? Hmm, Nalia might get upset when this uncouth bunch tracked tracked mud in all over her floors; she has barely gotten the blood stains out, and these guys just won't learn to wipe their feet. Hills it is.
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