Unique items without +x in name: what's their magical level?
For instance, Rod of Smithing gives +3 THAC0 and +3 damage, but it does not have +3 modifier in its name.
Does it count as magical items, and if it does, what +x enchantment does it have?
There are items without +x in name and different THAC0 and damage(ex. +3 to hit +4 damage); what about those?
There seems to be some inconsistencies because when I used arrows of piercing it didn't damage monster immune to normal weapon, but items without +x in its name were able to damage them.
Could someone clear it out for me? How do I tell enchantment level of an item/ammunition if it doesn't say it in name and has different THAC0 value from damage modifier?
That rod is +3 I'm pretty sure. If it can't hit Adamantine Golems, its only +2.
Edit: Oh, certain weapons (esp bludgeoning) have a +x to damage, usually +1, that is innate and non-magical. A Flail +1 deals 1d6+2 damage, but is a +1 weapon.
In the case of a flail or mace, yes, its usually the lower value.
Unfortunately, these are not hard-and-fast rules. I think with the EEs most exceptions mention their real performance in their description, but I'm not sure all of them do.