How to make a model Enchantress?

Experimenting with specialist class characters. Rolled a level 98 Enchantress with the potential to dual into a fighter or thief. Without evocation it's very challenging to use it. Any tips?
Can't remember exactly as I rarely play specialists, but iirc Evocation isn't THAT big a deal - particularly for a fighter/mage combo. Yes you lose a lot of the damage spells, but those aren't particularly good anyway. That's WHY you dual with a fighter, right? The only thing that's really sad is that you can't use the Cloud spells, which can cheese some situations nicely (but then again: cheese!). Black Blade of Disaster is another powerful spell, but since you're probably not dualing at a level where you'd have L9 spells anyway it's no big loss.
You still get to cast all the amazing defensive spells, and the amazing buffs (esp. Improved Haste). Losing the odd Magic Missile etc. isn't that big a deal.
Feeblemind is as strong as finger of death in most situations.
Against undead your options are more limited, true. But you have glitterdust, acid arrow and flame arrow+slow and skull trap for area damage so you have decent options.
Losing your evocation spells shouldn't be too big of a deal difficulty wise. I'm currently running through a solo challenge as a pure necromancer (i.e can only use necromancy spells, and no other spell school what so ever). In the past I have relied quite heavily on evocation spells when soloing, and losing access to them has been challenging, however I have not yet found a battle I couldn't over come with a little creative strategy.
I've currently gone from the start of BG1 (Core difficulty), to recently finishing the Underdark in SoA. I think you will do fine.
P.S - Skull Trap is awesome! Better damage and a lot more versatile than fireball.