ABOUT THE EVENTUAL SUCCESS OF BG1 EE AND THE LOST ART ASSETS (what can we expect about the graphics)

Ok time to ask something that's in my mind since you announced that you wouldn't make an HD version of Baldur's gate because Bioware lost them (-10 respect point for bioware btw).
()()()()()()()()()()()()() You said you would have loved (and still would like) to make an HD version of the current graphics, which gives me hopes for the future if you eventually get the resources to do so. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()
Ok if I understood correctly, you guys can't make an HD revamp of the graphics because you lost the art asset and only have access to the 2D models in game. Correct me if i'm wrong here please.
You said it would still be possible to make an HD, but you guys wouldn't have the time and resources right now.
But what if BG EE is a success?
Will you guys finally get the resources and confidence to go into the complex process of making a BG 2 HD?
Will you improve the paper dolls and such things you didn't have the ressources right now for BG 1 EE?
In short, what can you promise us about the graphics for BG2 EE if BG1 EE is a success?
what's best case scenario?
Now the question I have is : ''once you get the resources, will you go for your orignial plans of making a baldur's gate HD.''
()()()()()()()()()()()()() You said you would have loved (and still would like) to make an HD version of the current graphics, which gives me hopes for the future if you eventually get the resources to do so. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()
Ok if I understood correctly, you guys can't make an HD revamp of the graphics because you lost the art asset and only have access to the 2D models in game. Correct me if i'm wrong here please.
You said it would still be possible to make an HD, but you guys wouldn't have the time and resources right now.
But what if BG EE is a success?
Will you guys finally get the resources and confidence to go into the complex process of making a BG 2 HD?
Will you improve the paper dolls and such things you didn't have the ressources right now for BG 1 EE?
In short, what can you promise us about the graphics for BG2 EE if BG1 EE is a success?
what's best case scenario?
Now the question I have is : ''once you get the resources, will you go for your orignial plans of making a baldur's gate HD.''
Post edited by GueulEclator on
If they keep the HD for BG2 EE, that will make BG2 EE a big success, bigger than BG1EE. I tell by experience that a lot of people won't be buying the game (I personally will definitively buy it anyway) until they make some significant graphic improvement.
I don't see no reason for them Not to dedicate more time and resources on their next project (BG 2 EE) if the first one is successful (BG 1 EE).
Truth be told, I don't think the biggest success comes from the PC version - it DEFINITELY comes from Tablets. And if they're making a Linux version, even from there. Why? Because tablets are easily accessible and portable anywhere. Bus ride? Play Baldur's Gate! Isn't that a great thing? I think it is.
I think that if a product has a lot of time to burn in it for Tablets, it is immediately a success. I heard from friends that Magic The Gathering 2013 for iPad is possibly the most addicting thing out there! Imagine now a game that is replayable to death with a great story!
Truly, I wouldn't be surprised if 50% of the sales would be from Tablets alone.
Which means : Better graphics.
You can't deny that most of us , and the developers themselves, were dispointed when we learn that there wouldn't be an HD revamp for the first one.
All this because they don't have enough resources RIGHT NOW.
But they will surely get these resources after the success of BG 1 EE.
If a game is a success, then it's sequels is obviously better funded, and the devs will dedicate more resources to it.
That's how it works.
I don't see how you can predict the future. Don't be so pessimistic.
And yeah I believe a graphic revamp would benefit from way more hype than what looks currently like a big patché
They don't have the resources right now to recreate the assets, but they can do it if they get more resources (success of BG 1 EE)
If I read back - I think I read myself saying, how can we expect that kind of re-mastering without significant new content to make this worthwhile for investment?
In today's game industry, a lot of games are being remade, with their graphics polished and improved, while keeping the original engine.
These are called HD games. And they are insanely successful.
And the devs stated it themselves : If the source art hadn't been lost, they would have done this DAMNED Baldur's Gate HD.
The only thing that prevents them from making an HD version is the time and resources, because they haven't sold anything YET.
Once they will have sold BG EE, trust me they will have more resources.
Now the question I have is : ''once you get the resources, will you go for your orignial plans of making a baldur's gate HD.''
They want to work on BG2:EE so that fans can get their hands on it sooner rather than later. Upgrading the sprites (which is all it would be anyway) is a time-consuming process, and there are a lot of sprites and environments in the game to work on. Just the NPC avatars alone would take months of work, because of the fine detail required to make it worthwhile. And then there are the hundreds of monsters, and then all of the environments too...
What you should be asking is whether or not they'll consider upgrading the sprites and environments after BG2:EE is released. That's when they might have the time to work on something like this. At that point, it's fairly simple just to patch the new graphics into the game (albeit a rather substantial patch). But it shouldn't interrupt the development cycle for BG2:EE.
Say whatever you want (no offense intended, have a smiley :
The only thing that prevents them apparently is more the resources (size of the team) than the time.
The problem of updating the graphic after realize is that it won't earn you anything. Most of the hype is already gone.
You just prefer to announce in advance that the game will be BG2 HD.
Edit - I googled briefly, all results seemed to be 3d games or had very simplistic graphics, which in my ignorance I shall assume are vector based and easier to make hd.
They said they were definetely doing it for a BG3, but right now BG3 sounds so far away. Like 3 years away from now and then some.
I also do know beamdog said they want to make it HD, but it takes a lot of resources that they currently don't have. They might get them once BG EE is a success.
It's my point.
PS: I should have asked these things on the AMAAXD.
Compared to their budget, they are going to make a lot of profit from it. This will prove to those greedy publisher that BG is an extremely profitable franchise.
Now it'S up to PC gamers, IGN, gamespot... to make the hype.
They are creating 3d models and the like, and already have done and animated some monster models.
Additionally maybe Beamdog could go the kickstarter route to add hd graphics?
Mainly your character model : what they call the paper doll i think. They could make them much more crisp, and make the equipment you wear actually visible in game, not just a generic model for armors,helmet...
For example : if you are wearing the baldurian helmet, you can see the actual baldurian helmet model on your caracter model.
If you are wearing a leather armor, you see a leather armor in-game on your caracter, if you are wearing a mail armor, you see a mail armor model on your caracter.
By in-game i mean on the battle map.
Would I purchase BG:HD on top of BG:EE, should they do that? HELL YES.
Then they update the graphic of BG1 EE for free. It wouldn't take long since it's the same engine as BG2 HD.
I like the idea @Aosaw threw out, having them patch the sprites later on via an update, rather than releasing an all new edition of the game.