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Dorn or Neera in my party?

I'm starting my playthrough of BG2 EE, and my party is going to look like this:

Me (Berserker)
Yoshimo -> Imoen

I've installed mod's to keep the evil guys from leaving, as well as fighting each other. I'm not sure wether to bring Dorn go Neera, however. It's basicall swapping magic for muscle, i guess. Any advice?


  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    You certainly lack frontline with your current team. Dorn would definitely be my choice (Blackguards are among the best frontliners in the game with armor of faith and defender of easthaven)
  • JAuggieJAuggie Member Posts: 28
    Without mods you can't have Neera and Edwin together. Not sure what mod you're using for that, but last time I tried with bg2tweaks it didn't work because they just refuse to be in a party together. You recruit one and the other leaves immediately.
    That aside, I would say Dorn. You don't need 3 full time arcane casters. But if you really like magic go with Neera and have a blast.
  • FlaboereFlaboere Member Posts: 7
    Oh I was not aware of that problem. Well that certainly makes everything easier.. Dorn it is!
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