Strongholds (BG:2)

I've searched a bit and didn't come up with an answer so I was hoping someone here could provide me with the answer.
Will strongholds receive any changes/additions? Like more quests or rewards?
I read somewhere that a mod was created to enhance the thief's stronghold by extending it somehow (I'm not sure how). Can we expect to see additions such as those to all strongholds? Is the mod for the thief's stronghold something that will be included?
I do know it's being discussed as to whether a monk and barbarian stronghold may be added (mentioned on reddit).
Any answers would be appreciated.
I've searched a bit and didn't come up with an answer so I was hoping someone here could provide me with the answer.
Will strongholds receive any changes/additions? Like more quests or rewards?
I read somewhere that a mod was created to enhance the thief's stronghold by extending it somehow (I'm not sure how). Can we expect to see additions such as those to all strongholds? Is the mod for the thief's stronghold something that will be included?
I do know it's being discussed as to whether a monk and barbarian stronghold may be added (mentioned on reddit).
Any answers would be appreciated.

Any info on when BG2:EE will be released?
Thanks again!
I'd love to know what's in the future for strongholds as my character choice may heavily depend on that, and I want to import to BG:2!
A second play-through of BG:1 may be necessary I suppose.
Seriously F*ck these contracts and greedy corporate.
Sorry I needed to say it.
Why can't they allow the devs to improve small stuff like quest? why? what's the reasoning behind this? ARe those f*cking share holders retarded?
However, adding more quest and features to the stronghold doesn't change anything in the game : it just add features.
If they don't touch to the initial stronghold features, then they can add whatever they want on top of it.
1) Blackguards get their own special Stronghold.
2) Blackguards get the Thief Stronghold.
3) Blackguards get an alternate version of the Paladin Stronghold where they infiltrate the Order of the Radiant Heart and either reform or destroy it from within.
Option 3) all the way !
...Well, you might, but you wouldn't then try to pass it off as Shakespeare. And if Shakespeare were still alive, you can bet your bottom dollar that he'd take you to court over it.
Let's not exaggerate too much. Don't compare one of the greatest author of all time with a video game. It's way more easy to fully catch the spirit of a video game than to pursue the work of a genius.
From what we have seen they did a great job until now, and really got the spirit of the game. Just go hear the music preview, you will see that we are dealing with pro.
I'm confident that they can complete those strongholds with much more features and quest.
I'm not mentioning Shakespeare to point out Shakespeare's quality; I'm bringing it up as a means of illustrating the involuntary encroachment of one author upon another author's work. As a writer, or developer, you have a right to your work being left alone. That's part of where the contractual limitations come from. Overhaul has been given permission to add some new content, with the understanding that the original content will remain the same. This allows the original content to remain as it was when it was released, while still allowing Overhaul to place their thumbprint on the game for the work that they've done.
With BG:EE's success, they might have better leverage to say, "Hey, the content we built for BG1 was pretty solid; how do you feel about letting us take a crack at some of these unfinished quests in BG2?"
But ultimately it's still up to the owner of the original game's rights to make that decision.
Besides Shakespear took historic themes for some plays. He altered the plays like he saw fit (play trumps truth). Lots of quotes (e.g. latin or italian quotes) were used incorrectly. That for the genius part. ,)
ehhh, they didn't even have vr missions