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Drop-in multiplayer viability

CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
I was thinking of running a multiplayer game with a friend of mine. I've played no BG multiplayer for years due to the limitations of Tutu.

How viable/cheaty is it to run a "drop-in" multiplayer session, where you import your current main playthrough from a solo multiplayer session to a "real" multiplayer session, then back again? There main issues I could see would be breaking existing relationships & other player-driven quests. I think these are saved as global variables and would be unaffected, but I'm not certain.

I suppose I could just have separate characters for 2 games, but I'd rather just keep a character I'm comfortable with.


  • beerflavourbeerflavour Member Posts: 117
    edited September 2012
    I'd rather suggest that you start seperate games for solo playing and multi-player sessions with your friend. You can still create the same character for both sessions and thus play with a familiar build/role. This will have the advantage that on the multiplayer sessions you and your friend will progress together through the game.

    You have the option to export a character (at any time during play, just use the option on the character screen) and reimport it (e.g. when creating a new game or at any time during a multiplayer session IIRC). With the export only the character sheet is exported (with xp, stats, name, class setup, gear). Progress in the game is not exported.
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