What do you think of the new NPCs for the Enhanced Edition? What Race/Class would you have added?

Gotta admit - Super stoked about the Enhanced Edition, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't complain about something! Where's the third NPC? There's three alignments (Good, Neutral, Evil). How come we don't maintain the balance?
I like the idea of a Monk and a Half-Orc, but I was hoping maybe to finally get a *good aligned* Gnome! Maybe a Fighter/Illusionist? There aren't really any Fighter/Mage types among the NPC mix. Additionally, a Half-Orc named Dorn? That's a Dwarf name last time I checked! (See Dorn's Deep). Ah well. I'm more happy that the game is out. I just wanted to see what folks thought.
I like the idea of a Monk and a Half-Orc, but I was hoping maybe to finally get a *good aligned* Gnome! Maybe a Fighter/Illusionist? There aren't really any Fighter/Mage types among the NPC mix. Additionally, a Half-Orc named Dorn? That's a Dwarf name last time I checked! (See Dorn's Deep). Ah well. I'm more happy that the game is out. I just wanted to see what folks thought.
As for what I would have added, I'd say pretty much the same thing you wanted out of a good Gnome.
Can't say I'm looking forward to Rasaad for BG1 at least. Monks with 161k XP are still one level away from being legitimately useful. As is, he'll just be a gimp fighter the entire game long with the occasional stunning blow added into the mix. If they add in some monk-only loot that will actually make him feel legitimately different from any other beefy fighter type, then I'll be happy.
Not to say I don't look forward to seeing how his personality plays out especially because Overhaul has hinted all of their new NPCs are going to be included in the eventual BG2:EE. He'll be awesome in that.
What are you talking about? $20 gets you the full game with all three NPCs.
As for the monk, I believe I have heard they're looking at rebalancing it to be more useful in early levels.
Wish I could find where this is confirmed, but I know for fact Neera and Dorn are DLC.
You're thinking of the tablet versions for $10.
With the PC version for $20, you get all three NPCs.
Nothing sexier than a stout dwarf woman in full plate and a battle axe!!!
I'd have liked a female dwarf barbarian added to the mix, and maybe one or two other NPCs from less used/popular kits who would compensate through their personality & quests their kit's (perceived) weaknesses, but I don't think we'll get that many new characters. Who knows, we might get a 4th NPC later on as a DLC, would be nice.
The most promising one sounds like Neera, but I won't use her either unless I want to do a crazy run on a lark. Did you guys know that the wild mage random table includes goodies like Gate:Demon and Petrify Self? As well as spell fizzles and Summon Bunny Rabbit Swarm.
It plays well for comedy, but I just can't see risking my whole party's lives on a wild mage in a run where I'm going to try to get immersed and take everything seriously. Magic is too dangerous and too important in the game to not be absolutlely in control of what you're doing with it. That is, unless you don't care about dying and reloading a lot.
edit - didn't see the second part of the question. BG1 desperately needs a good-aligned npc cleric. As is, the PC is under high pressure to be the cleric of the party him or herself, at least if he or she is good. And there needs to be a really good-looking, handsome, man for females to romance. And at least a couple of dwarf/gnome options. Kudos to them for putting in a half-orc option for people who swing that way. Presumably he's into other half-orcs.
Why not just use Neutral clerics like Branwen?
Also, Overhaul folks have mentioned they're working on re-balancing the Monk so it is a more attractive BG1 class.
There are relatively few healers in BG1. Early on you have only Jaheira availlable, and a little later you can choose Branwen or Viconia. But anyway, it would be nice to have another healer of some sort to choose from early in the game.
I guess you can dual-class Sarevok into Mage if you want but won't regain his fighter abilities til the Throne of Ascension.
That's my rant. Thank you for your time.
If I had to pick... I would definitely go with a thief, cleric, fighter/mage, avenger. DAMMIT I CAN'T CHOSE!
On your other point, if they make the monk class viable at low level, I might give him a try. I just wish they hadn't created such a butt-ugly portrait for the guy. Come on, tatoos all over his face? Does any woman or gay guy out there want to pursue a romance with a guy who's bald and has tatoos and scars? Even if so, I myself am not into ugly men.
I suppose I might be able to stomach a relationship with him if I can still create a portraits folder and substitute my own portraits for NPC's - which would require Shadowkeeper unless I can figure out how to use the override folder to replace an NPC portrait.
Hopefully Shadowkeeper will be compatible.
Finch is a neutral good, gnome cleric of Deneir.
Indira is a half-elven, lawful good fighter/mage to be found in the Firewine Ruins.
Mur'Neth is a Ghaunadan, a member of a race of ooze-like shapechangers who venerate the evil deity Ghaunadaur.
Gavin, Cleric of Lathander.