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Do you have a good sorcerer spelllist?

SlotySloty Member Posts: 113
Do you have a good sorcerer spelllist?
Should be focused mainly on blasting, not buffing that much...
Its also meant for the harder difficulties...


  • SlotySloty Member Posts: 113
    Some other input on best spells perhaps?
  • AerichAerich Member Posts: 276
    There are a number of decent spells at every level, and some that are strong enough to be a no-brainer choice (e.g. Web). Try to pick what fits your play style and your party. For example, Emotion:Hope or Emotion:Courage are strong picks for warrior-heavy parties, but if you primarily do damage with your spells and have few warriors, it's not as good. If your sorc never goes to the front line, there's no point picking Color Spray or or Burning Hands or Cone of Cold.

    I will also mix things up by trying to pick spells based on roleplaying themes - e.g. a sorc with an affinity with one or two elements that will always pick a damaging spell from one of those elements at every spell level, if available.
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