Would you want to see PvP in the BG:EE series?

Personally I do not understand the desire of this...it seems completely...not in sync with what the game is and is about.
- Would you want to see PvP in the BG:EE series?178 votes
- Yes20.22%
- No54.49%
- Wouldn't minde but don't really care.25.28%
I don't see why you can be against. A lot of people think PVP would be fun, as attacking each other doesn't work quite as well, and it would be funnier to have party vs party fights.
Seriously, it's something that the multiplayer community always wanted, just try to join a baldur's gate game on gameranger, people always end up killing each other to see who is the strongest.
Some dedicated server also tried to add pvp, but it was clumsy due to the lack of consistent mechanics for it.
PvP would add hours and hours of gaming, and would attract even more people into the multiplayer scene of baldur's gate. Multiplayer scene that has always been describing as lacking, even acknowledged by black isle who said back then that they would like to add more multiplayer content in future games.
Really, I don't see why you guys hate on it. DOn't want it, don't play it. I doesn't need to be competitive and can stay casual, and it wouldn't take too much ressources to implement.
If you have friend to play with, then PVP is something you want.
It would be interesting, but I'd rather the lovely folks at overhaul spent their time working on stuff for the main campaign.
And yes @GueulEclator there are exactly 50 of us ;/
Stop being against it, it's fucking moronic. It shouldn't be something hard to implement and would be of great help for those who like PvP.
I mean, accept some changes, stop being so conservative about this game. If it was up to this core of nay sayer, there wouldn't even be a BG EE.
PVP is exactly the kind of thing that Black isle would have added in BG 3, and also one of the ost popular multiplayer mode amongst gamers.
But since you added the "don't care option", lemme put my vote here
With that out of the way, stop being butthurt just because your Bards thread didn't turn into a circle jerk of people agreeing with you. Bards are awesome. Just about everybody likes Eldoth in BG1 and people play CHARNAME as Blades and Skalds all the time. Get over it.
And, considering Black Isle/Obsidian HAS NEVER MADE A GAME WITH PVP BESIDES FALLOUT TACTICS leads me to think that BG3 would, in fact, NOT have had PvP. In either case, what BG3 might have been is pure speculation, but I can guarantee the canceled Black Isle version of Fallout 3 would not have had PvP.
Hmm so this is this new “there is only a like button culture”…
@GueulEclator i can't be against it?
"Ok my lord, i bow to your will..." Do you truly think you have the right to rule ppl desires? you're very arrogan Anomen, ops i mean @GueulEclator
As you can see by my vote, I don't feel strongly either way, but I do find the rationale for people to vote "No" easily understandable.
But jokes apart, maybe the Black Pit feature already add this PvP possibility, i don't care too much anyway, but who knows.
...Back to the topic though, for those who say we have PvP right now, the problem with current "PvP" is two-fold: it's only 3v3, and certain mechanics don't work properly. The one most glaring example is thief skills, hide in shadows, traps, and backstabbing don't work particularly well when both players can see exactly what the thief is doing at all times. I also seem to remember (from my brother and I trying it out long ago) that there's problems with targeting of certain spells, which would likely be fixed by implementing proper PvP.
The thing I've always wanted is for both players to be controlling a party in the same world, with each party competing on quests, running into each other (can be friendly or not), etc. I know this isn't going to come from the devs, but if there's a 6v6 PvP system, then there's the chance that it can be done with mods. Perhaps I'm just dreaming, but that's my true hope for MP in this game.
Essentially what I'm saying is that I don't want PvP to be a major focus for the dev team, but I want it to be there as a tool for modders who might be able to make something awesome out of it.
Just some of the problems:
* Luck too much of a factor (online Yahtzee anyone?)
* High possibility of cheese builds (One or a couple of class/race/spell combos that would get overused turning it in a game of dice)
* After cheese builds, always come.... you guessed it: balance and whine threads!!!
Numerous other problems come to mind depending on the implementation.
I played a lot of rpg PvP games over the time and BG or any aDnD rulest for that matter isn't designed with PvP in mind.
Trying to convert Battlefield 3 into a football manager would make more sense.
IMHO ofc.
Starting this mode would likely be a separate game, like how Throne of Bhaal was separate from Shadows of Amn. You wouldn't transfer in anything other than your character (any equipment he gets comes from the PVP). Every item in BG:EE is obtainable in here by winning gold and purchasing it. Experience and statistics (ability scores, thieving skills, ect) remain. Experience can be earned here but it will be based on party size (if anyone joins or if you let them join you) and what you defeat (wasn't that a beholder in a black pits screen shot?). The experience cap will remain in place though.
This PVP arena could act as a place for players to take their characters in between BGEE1 and BGEE2, giving them something to do as well. You don't have to bring in a character of course, you could make a fresh new one. Since any equipment from BG:EE is available here, that character can potentially get just as outfitted and decked out as someone who waited till he beat Saerevok to import his character. As mentioned before the only thing that you can bring in is experience and statistics. However a special shop-keeper could be set up who only sells your equipment that you had when you transferred (and he sells it at a discount price too!). Special Equipment (like what Drizzt drops) would require completing special challenges.
I... I think I just described an MMO. Maybe... maybe BG3?
Because developer have stated that they target a 500K sold copies : this game is targeted towards a large audience. PVP has become the most popular multiplayer mode today. The average gamers often consider it a must. This game is targeted much more at the wide gamer audience (but not the casual one) who likes PVP and probably wants to see a PVP dimension in most game they play.
The only mmo i really enjoyed was Ultima Online where it was always pvp. Not that people ran around killing each other, but you had the option. And people who went around killing others got bounties put on their heads.
I remember being out hunting once for some deer (i was a tailor skill warrior with slight mage), and a char that was built around pk came up and tried to attack me. He got off 3 hits in a row and i was down to about 10% hp, and didn't stand a chance, and i was carrying too much gear to outrun him. Was far from town and would never get off the recall spell in time. I hid in shadows. I had a decent hide score and could move in shadows but not well, so i carefully moved away slowly while he hunted for me. I popped down the camp fire as far away from me as i could (required to log out, otherwise my char would be defenseless). He got mad when he saw the camp fire, and started raging trying to find me. It takes 30 second to camp (logout and save). Was the most tense 30 seconds of my life, and right at the end, he found me, revealed me. His sword swung back and i was d/c'd.
I didn't log in for 2 hours. When i did, wasn't sure if i was dead, but my char had made it out safe. PvP is awesome when implmented properly.