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#16048 Text describing entering tomb (AR5001) should use DisplayStringNoName

ATigersClawATigersClaw Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 161
edited August 2015 in BG:EE Bugs (v1.3)

1. Start a new game with abdel pregen.
2. Console in C:CreateCreature("Minsc") and Ctrl+Q to add him to your party
3. Console in C:MoveToArea("AR5001")


Minsc is attributed as having said stringref 11778 "You travel down a long tunnel to a group of three burial mounds." Reviewing area script file in question (AR5001.bcs) shows that it is using the DisplayStringHead action instead of DisplayStringNoName.


AR5001.bcs should be using DisplayStringNoName for these lines.
Post edited by elminster on


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Updated original post and recorded as issue 16048.
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