How to build an ideal Shadowdancer?

Shadow Dancer is it interesting thief kit with the ability to Shadowstep and postion itself to backstab like crazy. Question is how can it's abilities "hide in plane sight" and shadowstep be used to the fullest? Would it be best to run a pure SD orshould it be dual-classed to broaden a character's variety?
However, note that the dual-classing requirements for a Shadowdancer are significantly steeper than for an ordinary Thief (or other Thief kit) - you need 15 in STR and DEX and CHA, not just in DEX like other Thieves.
Thus I think a fighter dual is more interesting. A shadowdancer dualled into a mage will use high lvl spells to deal with serious threats anyway, making hips less useful. A shadowdancer/fighter can put hips to awesome use, chunking one enemy per round while the enemies wander around in terror, trying to find their assailant, but trying in vain.
Ehh. Cleric/thieves are auto-fails IMHO. Don't like them and don't see any synergy the two classes might have.
If someone was willing to keeper and dual out of cleric late to Shadowdancer, you'd be vastly better than the opposite.
I would not dual-class a shadowdancer but that's just me. Essentially every attack is a backstab. This means an attack bonus as well as damage so getting a fighter THAC0 is not as important with this kit. Belm is a good choice of weapon early on: one extra chance of scoring before becoming visible. Make sure to have single-weapon style: doubles chances of critical hits which adds up nicely with backstab multipler.
Dual classing means losing the Use Any Item, which is one of my favorite abilities. You also gain specific high level abilities, such as shadow companion which is essentially a simulacrum. You can gain that shadow companion multiples times, so you can eventually do it many times/day.
You can use your simulacrum to cast scrolls without losing them (time-stop, horrid wilting, meteors, crushing hands anything you like). Carry a case with your favorite spells and you are as powerful as any mage. You have to put the items you want to use in your quick-item slots before summoning your shadow companion, so it requires to plan ahead.
I did not play that char until the end of ToB, so I'm not sure how well they perform in the later stages.
ShadowDancer Cleric is nice because you can backstab for very, very high damage and take no risks (instant HIPS after backstabbing). Not to mention you get spells you will want such as dispel magic etc... (since you are based on two or three APR for high damage, and for example stoneskins will be insanely long to get down without dispel magic). I would recommend that for solo playthrough
Fighter/Shadowdancer is a beast if you play with a team able to buff him. With IH Two backstabs *4 + 6APR are just the same as 12 APR (considering strength bonus is not multiplied) damage-wise which is a lot. I would go for that on a playthrough with a team
A straigth shadowdancer can be very good as well. Early game (until you get enough Hide in Shadow and Move Silently to always hide succesfully) you will suffer, but once you have that it will become a lot easier, and in the end, when you get HLA, your Simulacrum will basically allow you to spam spells without consuming your scrolls, and you will as well be able to deal a lot of damage ( with 3 backstabs per round per person that s a 6 backstabs per round which is about 20 APR). You also get traps and these are brutal as we all know. Basically a straight shadowdancer is certainly one of the most fun classes to play, and a very strong one as well
My issue with the pure SD is UAI, so I don't use it. I don't like UAI even on normal thieves because it feels like breaking character. I only use it to equip helmets. That's just me, not judging anyone who likes it.
@Arunsun Shadowdancers don't have traps btw. Not even HLA-traps, since they are replaced by the SD-HLA's.
@JohannesN I guess that if one is able to restrain himself, one can use scrolls. Of course using 2 protection from magic and 4 time stop per fight is cheesy, but using a dispel magic or that kind of thing is not, at least IMHO.
What I used a lot when I made a shadowdancer playthrough was arrow of dispelling and arrow of detonation with my clone.
EDIT: I could find arrow of detonation only in two places in the game. 3 arrows in the underdark (Beholder lair or House Jaellat I believe) and up to 10 (10 - how many he fires at you before dying) on one of the guys you get to face in Deepstone Clanhold during Rasaad ToB quest. Is there anywhere else we can get them?
An extra shadow twin that can hide at will and backstab with celestial fury for 2 turns is certainly more useful in my opinion than a whirlwind attack that lasts only one round.
I picked an elf, because they have Dex 19 and +1 with swords and bows. This will be the most useful in the long run I think.
Best damn Shadow Dancer of all time.