By Crom! (Buy Crom?)

OK, does anyone have the stats on Crom Feyr? What I read about it on the scroll and such just seems to suggest it's nice vs giants, but we haven't seen any of those in quite a while. On the other hand, comments here on the forums suggest it has some other stuff going for it. My group has just scored the girdle of stone giant strength, and Anomen's natural strength is now 19, so I can spare the ogre gauntlets and frost giant girdle if I want to.
Capacités spéciales : 25 en Force
Tue les Golems de Pierre et d'Argile, les Ettins et les Trolls en un seul coup
TAC0 : +5
Dégâts : 2D4+3
Type de dégâts : contondant
Poids : 4
Facteur de vitesse : 1
Type de compétence : marteau
Type : arme à 1 main
Non utilisable par :
put strength to 25
one shot Golems, ettins and trolls
TAC0 : +5
Damage : 2D4 + 3
THAC0: +5
Damage: 2d4+3 +5 electrical
Equipped: 25 STR
Special ability: instantly kills Stone Golems, Clay Golems, Ettins, Trolls
Can't look it up in the game files because mine is heavily modded, but I think it should be accurate.
Crom Faeyr is a VERY powerful weapon, but not necessarily unequivocally so. Its damage can be phenomenal, but much of it derives from the 25 STR it confers. However, this comes at the expense of two items that also raise STR (gloves and belt) which means that in terms of overall party damage output, you MAY get more out of using the two items instead of combining them into the hammer.
That being said, for many setups Crom Faeyr will definitely be one of the strongest weapons in the game. It's probably safe to go ahead and make it if you have someone who can make good use of it, preferably someone with high APR to make the most out of the bonus damage per hit from the high STR.
Note: it is usually not a very good idea to give Crom Faeyr to a cleric or paladin, because they can already raise their STR to 25 with the spell Draw Upon Holy Might. As a lot of CF's damage comes from the 25 STR, those characters will not make the most of this weapon and you may be better served giving them something else and using Crom on a different character.
Another note: I believe Crom Faeyr's description can be bugged depending on which version of the game you're using, and erroneously display a damage that is too low (usually just 2d4+3 without the +5 electrical). However I'm 99% sure that it will still work as it should, just not match the description. Not sure if the latest EE has fixed it (probably) as my mods change things anyway...
Well, the only character I have who has specialized in Hammers is Anomen. While it is true that he can use the Holy Might spell to also bring his strength up to 25, this can be dispelled or wear off normally. The effects of the weapon itself should not be dispellable and will always be present. I'll probably go ahead then and create it, especially since I now have extra strength boosting items.
But of course I can't make a judgment about how everyone plays, so I just provide information and you make of it what fits YOUR play style best. That's important in the end.
At least that's the logic I used when I made the thing for my PC cleric a couple days ago.
Thought it might stop his anxiety issues......................fat chance.
But RPG'ing, can you imagine the fuss he'd kick up if I gave it to another bloke? or a woman??
There's be no living with him, and I wanted the marriage. A woman might be bhaalspawn ect, but that's no comfort if you are left on the shelf and I'm getting on a bit in the times the game is set.