The Black Pits: Gather Your Party Before Venturing Forth!
Member Posts: 15
While I struggle to pass the time between meaningful things in my life such as BG:EE's release, I've been cobbling together my ideal party to run through the Black Pits with no idea what to expect and see how far I get!
In order to cover my bases and create a party with both flavor, power, and versatility, I'm looking to play
TN Male Human Blade
((same as my Bhaalspawn for my first play through if I can just roll the one!)) covers pick pockets if needed, face with friends spell, true jack of all trades between spins for tanking and offensive capability and spells.
CN Female Half-Orc Barbarian
because female half-orc shamanistic barbarians are just a cool idea. Kind of a like a more pleasant and humble shar-teel with an almost druid respect for nature and the world. Serious damage dealer and meat stick if a pure damage sponge is necessary.
NG Male Gnomish Theif/Illusionist),
because i've always had a soft spot for gnomes and their general wonder, awe, and curiosity, and because no party should be with out a capable theif or mage, and gnomes naturally stumble into that role in my eye.
LE Female Dwarven Fighter/Cleric
because there's no better tank than a Dwarven fighter cleric and female dwarves are much easier for me to roll play in a video game than on a table top being the tall pasty white male that I am. Lawful evil because I need a dark anti-hero sworn to my TN bard to keep the balance and offer perspective.
TN (Female Half-Elf Avenger),
because my blade needs a love interest who isn't a push over, and there's no one more commited to balancing out the universe than an Avenger. Avenger provides healing, summons, and plenty of wonderful combat spells.
LG Male Elven Archer Ranger
because I need an antithesis to my evil Dwarven cleric both in world view, and in combat placement.
What about all the rest of you? What sort of characters are you going to delve into the pits with, and why? Is the flavor and context more, less, or equally important to you when creating a party of PC's?
In order to cover my bases and create a party with both flavor, power, and versatility, I'm looking to play
TN Male Human Blade
((same as my Bhaalspawn for my first play through if I can just roll the one!)) covers pick pockets if needed, face with friends spell, true jack of all trades between spins for tanking and offensive capability and spells.
CN Female Half-Orc Barbarian
because female half-orc shamanistic barbarians are just a cool idea. Kind of a like a more pleasant and humble shar-teel with an almost druid respect for nature and the world. Serious damage dealer and meat stick if a pure damage sponge is necessary.
NG Male Gnomish Theif/Illusionist),
because i've always had a soft spot for gnomes and their general wonder, awe, and curiosity, and because no party should be with out a capable theif or mage, and gnomes naturally stumble into that role in my eye.
LE Female Dwarven Fighter/Cleric
because there's no better tank than a Dwarven fighter cleric and female dwarves are much easier for me to roll play in a video game than on a table top being the tall pasty white male that I am. Lawful evil because I need a dark anti-hero sworn to my TN bard to keep the balance and offer perspective.
TN (Female Half-Elf Avenger),
because my blade needs a love interest who isn't a push over, and there's no one more commited to balancing out the universe than an Avenger. Avenger provides healing, summons, and plenty of wonderful combat spells.
LG Male Elven Archer Ranger
because I need an antithesis to my evil Dwarven cleric both in world view, and in combat placement.
What about all the rest of you? What sort of characters are you going to delve into the pits with, and why? Is the flavor and context more, less, or equally important to you when creating a party of PC's?
Maybe I'll try a party where I cover every character class (pre-BG2, so no Barbarians and Sorceres and stuff) with a paladin, a bard, a fighter/druid, ranger/cleric, thief/mage and a specialist mage.
Should be funny, depending on things.
- Alpha male gets the lion's share of enemy hp.
- Raging barbarian jumps right into the fray.
- Berserking berserker jumps right into the fray.
- Mentally unstable wizard bombs the entire arena.
- Rogue does dirty tricks.
- Ranger snipes, but has dual weapons ready for some melee action as well.
General strategy: Keep party members close, but keep enemies even closer.
Healing strategy: Who needs healing? Offense is best defense and saves you healing potions in the long run.