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How long for Aeries romance to start?

So I've been playing for awhile, it says I have a match with her, and that I have lovetalk1 or w/e that is, and that the romance is indeed active, however, not a single dialog yet from her, do I need to be in a certain chapter etc for it to start?


  • SecretlyaFishSecretlyaFish Member Posts: 8
    Doesn't seem to matter what I do, I've messed around with the console and shadow keeper, nothing will make her start talking. Can someone PLEASE give me a walkthrough on how to get this started? I don't understand how it isn't working. I don't understand what I could do differently or what values to change, and the console seems to have ZERO effect when it comes to the setglobal stuff
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    edited June 2015
    It should just start semi-randomly with time. It's worth noting that most lovetalks can't occur in dungeons, and some of them require that you rest. I assume those are unlikely to be the issue.

    So, the next thing to do in a situation like this is usually to check the variables. It sounds like you've already checked AerieRomanceActive, but would you mind posting the value of that variable? Also, try setting the global variable AerieRomance to 1, then wait a few seconds outside. If she doesn't talk to you within about 10 seconds, try resting and see if that does anything.

    Also, what race are you? Aerie doesn't romance halflings, dwarves, and half-orcs. That's fixable, but I forget the variable that governs it. I should be able to find it sometime tonight if it turns out to be necessary.
  • SecretlyaFishSecretlyaFish Member Posts: 8
    I managed to fix it, after much tinkering around in the editor. I messed with so many things, I can't even pin it down to one thing, but her romance did start.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Well, @SecretlyaFish, surely the clue is in your name. Aerie will romance only humans, half-elves, elves, halflings and gnomes ... not fish.

    (Note to @Jarrakul - contrary to what you said, I'm pretty sure Aerie will romance halflings; IIRC, she excludes only dwarves and half-orcs.)
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Hm. I'm pretty sure you're right, now that I think about it. Don't know why I thought otherwise. Well caught.
  • CruentuzCruentuz Member Posts: 16
    Jarrakul said:

    It should just start semi-randomly with time. It's worth noting that most lovetalks can't occur in dungeons, and some of them require that you rest. I assume those are unlikely to be the issue.

    So, the next thing to do in a situation like this is usually to check the variables. It sounds like you've already checked AerieRomanceActive, but would you mind posting the value of that variable? Also, try setting the global variable AerieRomance to 1, then wait a few seconds outside. If she doesn't talk to you within about 10 seconds, try resting and see if that does anything.

    Also, what race are you? Aerie doesn't romance halflings, dwarves, and half-orcs. That's fixable, but I forget the variable that governs it. I should be able to find it sometime tonight if it turns out to be necessary.

    I would like that variable as a very romantic Half-Orc please.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Cruentuz said:

    I would like that variable as a very romantic Half-Orc please.

    Note that as a half-orc, your only (legal) romance option among the original (i.e. pre-EE) NPCs is Viconia ... but yes, you can probably force one of the others into a romance by editing the global variable. (The romance-enabled NPCs added in EE do not have racial restrictions.)

    I haven't tested this, but I'd guess that setting both AerieMatch=1 and AerieRomanceActive=1 would force-start a romance with Aerie (and likewise with correspondingly-named variables for Jaheira and Anomen).

    However, I don't know whether or not the game engine re-calculates the [Name]Match variables at some later stage (such as on level-up, or on starting ToB). If it does so, then I guess that'd probably break a forced-romance. Maybe someone else can advise on this point.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    I forced an illegal romance with Jaheira several years ago by editing the JaheiraMatch variable, and I believe that's the only thing I had to do. So you should be able to just change the ***Match variable to 1 (or create it, if it doesn't exist) and go from there.

    Note that I can't find any such variable for the EE NPCs, but they're not race restricted anyway, so that only matters if you wanted to break normal gender restrictions.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    If you want some comprehensive options for romance "cheats", I can recommend the BG2Tweaks mod. It offers options for bypassing race restrictions, gender restrictions, allowing multiple romances etc. Just pick whichever ones you like, and don't choose the ones you don't like. Easier in the long run than manually editing the variables, though of course you can do that, too, if you prefer.
  • CruentuzCruentuz Member Posts: 16
    Great! I have'nt been able to find where the variables are located yet. Will check out that mod if I can't do it manually. Sounds very promising. Thanks for the advice guys!
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