Help with Hexatt's Final Quest

I am in the tomb for Hexatt's Lich quest in Throne of Bhaal, I faced off against Hexatt's "old friend" and then she dissapeared, now I have no idea where to go from here, so True Sight or Oracle Spells reveal her location, and there appears to be so way to reach the rest of the Tomb.
Help, with minimal spoilers if possible.
Help, with minimal spoilers if possible.
Also I had no end to frustration with other puzzles and the lich itself in that tomb. Seems Hexxat's quests were rushed a bit.
It's a longer quest than any single one of Hexxat's three SoA quest-segments, but not as long as all three SoA segments together. (I'm actually in the middle of doing it right now, between posting comments on here, but I have the advantage of having done it before.)
I call upon he who helped me with my last major bug: @elminster how can I fix this?
To be honest she's too much work for me anyway, what with the whole daylight shenanigans and stuff.
Like I said, definitely needs a proper patch, the quest is cool but needs fixing. Seems rushed.
One tip: when you meet Phreya and (what turns out to be) the simulacrum of Korkorran, let them say their dialogue before you kill them. Otherwise both a dialogue-loop and a jammed door are very likely.
@DJ_Sweatz_2013 - the final door should open automatically if the fight with Phreya and fake-Korkorran has completed correctly, you shouldn't need to do anything with the door-puzzle to open it. If the final door has failed to open, then you've hit one of the bugs. Re-load to just before the fight, and try it again.
Note: the romances with the new EE NPCs don't break if you remove the NPC, so it should be safe to experiment with removing Neera to see if that will fix your dialogue-loop. (Actually, even with the pre-EE romances, it was only Jaheira's romance which would instantly break if you removed her - Aerie and Viconia and Anomen could all be removed briefly without breaking, it was only if you left them out for a while (three days?) that their romances would break.)