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Pickpocket failure

JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
I forgot to ask this question on the AMA but I'm assuming they haven't changed the consequences of failing a pickpocket check?
I know that the ... Rogue Rebalancing mod I think it was, added in the option for whoever you're pickpocketing to not go instantly hostile if you fail, allowing you to charm your way out of it.
That was aces.


  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    People getting instantly hostila after pickpocket fail always was absurd. I can understand, if you fail pickpocket a guard, but avarage peasant making entire city hostile towards you? Because of pickpocket? It's absurd.

    I don't know how it will be handled in BG:EE thought. I never managed to find info about this anywhere.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited September 2012
    I never pickpocket but do agree the result of a failure is much too harsh (maybe the reason I don't do it :) ). It would be nice if it were changed to something more balanced.
    Post edited by bigdogchris on
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Would be nice if a) not everyone around turned hostile, and b) you could flee the scene and return after a while when people have calmed town, maybe take a reputation hit our get some new dialogue aka "The watch knows about you, scum. We'll keep an eye on you!", or people insulting you or something.
  • DiscoCatDiscoCat Member Posts: 73
    I would also like this behavior changed. For example, failing a pickpocket attempt might initiate a dialog and -1 reputation, plus inability to pickpocket that NPC again (though that would probably be difficult to implement). Some NPCs probably should go hostile but most should just be pissed off and become unpickpocketable.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    If they don't change the penalties for pickpocketing, I hope they leave in the exploit you can keep people from going hostile by pausing the moment you see the failed message and then talking to the NPC in question. It bugged them out and kept them from going hostile MOST of the time (but occasionally they would later on and it'd cause all sorts of problems.)
  • HeavylineHeavyline Member Posts: 108
    edited September 2012
    I remember never using pickpockets in BG1, since the chances of failure were too common and didn't wish to reload everytime I failed. But in BG2 when my thief had 120 skillpoints for pickpocketing, it really shines. Especially with "Potion of Master Thievery".

    Since we're at this topic... My god pickpocket in Icewind Dale & Icewind Dale II is useless! Especially in Icewind Dale II it feels really broken. The only time I managed to succeed in pickpocketing was in Targos... after that, there wasn't much pockets to pick and no matter how high your skill is, you always fail.
    Post edited by Heavyline on
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    I agree with 'most everything that's been said. Please change this!
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