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[Suggestion] Realistic support for evil parties: Cruelty is respect

ThalamondThalamond Member Posts: 127
edited July 2015 in General Modding
So as have been pointed out many times, Baldur's Gate evil parties have little to no advantages compared to good parties.

I propose a new feature which realistically fixes this problem. Have you ever wondered about the different handling of justice between a lone criminal thief versus organised mafia like organisations? Real professionalised gangs around the world obviously are widely respected and feared, even among the police. I think we need a mod for Baldur's Gate which resembles this. A check could be made when a player commits a crime

based on:
Character level
Number of party members

These factors all contribute to an outcome which is also based on the seriousness of the crime. If a full party of lvl 5 characters with a reputation of 5 and a high charisma fail a pick pocket, the watchers/guards will not turn hostile. Instead they will try to talk to the PC and tell him to "Please try to behave/stay out of trouble". Now if that same party kills a civilian the guards will again try to talk to the PC this time with a dialog and a less forgiving sentiment.
Here the player can choose:
1. Draw steel!

2. (Based on the above 4 factors) "Do you know who I am? CHARNAME, so you better keep your mouth shut and mind your own business".

3. Bribe the guard. (based on 4 factors)

Option 2 and 3 can lead to success or failure, but this way an evil party has a chance to be feared and respected instead of being treated like wild animals.

Think about it? Would you risk your life against 6 hardened criminals when you were just a simple guard in a cheap leather armor at the Friendly Arm Inn gate?

(Pathetic groups of 2-4 characters, lvl 1-2, with low charisma will, however, fail in every situation and be attacked no matter what.)

This design does NOT mean that the player can do whatever he/she likes, cause the Flaming Fist FBI-wannabe group will still turn up and so will the hired assasssins if the rep goes too low and the killing too high. Also it only affects guards (and perhaps a few other selected npcs), while if you start killing people near some mage that mage will still show you no mercy.


  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    This is possible with globals, I think, but I don't think that there would be a way to display (eg) on the character sheet your "respect level". The only indication that anything is different would be in the dialogs
  • ThalamondThalamond Member Posts: 127
    If it is based on the above 4 factors + nature of the crime committed, I think that will be enough for display. And so a separate indicator may not be needed (not in my opinion at least).
  • chrstnmonkschrstnmonks Member Posts: 176
    i wouldn't mind this. But i think in general the reputation system needs a overhaul.Also more options for evil and neutral parties. And I'm not talking about chaotic evil options where you murder everyone. Evil options that are a bit more insidious and nuanced.
  • ThalamondThalamond Member Posts: 127
    Yes, I agree. Never liked Chaotic Evil because it is just monotonous and simpleton like. That is why I said that the special Flaming Fist will still counter you if you go on a killing spree. But Neutral Evil characters who do the occasional killing or perhaps just steal and/or knock some peasants unconscious, but otherwise "stay out of trouble" are the focus of this mod idea.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    I would love to do something like this, but a) I don't think I have the skill and b) I don't have the time. But let's chat about it

    Once upon a time, there was a mod that separated "reputation"--what people think of you--from "virtue"--how 'tainted' you are by the evil you do. So, you could murder a beggar in a dark alley in secret, and still be revered like a saint. But, you'll still fall if you're a pally.

    Some combination of these would be pretty cool
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited July 2015
    I wouldn't mind giving chaotic evil a chance. 'accidentally' kill everyone at the mines. Did I do that?
  • ThalamondThalamond Member Posts: 127
    I completely agree with you Grammar, but I suspect that making a distinction between "known acts" and "unknown acts" is quite hard to mod into this game. That is why I suggest simpler things like the one above. But if someone could make what you suggest in combination with my op suggestion it would be great and add a whole new dimension to the game.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    IIRC, the Virtue mod adds Virtue to the character display screen. I'm sure you could add respect there as well.
  • wolpakwolpak Member Posts: 390
    Check out my mod infamy. I tried to change up the system some and I didn't get much feedback.

    However, if you like the concept, I am always receptive to add more or change stuff around.
  • ThalamondThalamond Member Posts: 127
    It looks great. I am downloading now!
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