Playing in a virtual machine

Hi all,
Just wondering (before shelling out cash)... is anyone out there playing BG:EE/BG2:EE in any type of virtual machine environment? Does it perform adequately? (... and if so, which VM are you using, what's the host OS, etc.?)
Just wondering (before shelling out cash)... is anyone out there playing BG:EE/BG2:EE in any type of virtual machine environment? Does it perform adequately? (... and if so, which VM are you using, what's the host OS, etc.?)
I've been running the games natively on linux for awhile, just fine (well still one minor bug not fixed with BG:EE), so I'm curious what the reason for doing this in a VM is. Steam does now allow for refunds, so you could always buy them there and try them in a VM.
I certainly don't have GPU passthrough, so that's probably going to be the major sticking point.
However, VirtualBox 5.x was recently released and apparently graphics performance has increased drastically, so perhaps I'll just try GoG -- I think they have a 30-day money back guarantee (though I'd have to look into what the details of that are).
EDIT: Oh, yes, reason for using a VM as opposed to "native Linux"... sometimes mods can only be applied on Win32 systems -- unfortunate, but true.
And it seems a bit odd to be so paranoid as to run software in a vm, but use a hypervisor created by oracle to do it
My original experience with a non-working mod was with BGT. It used some features of .BAT scripting that didn't work with WINE. (Obviously, that's not relevant with the EE series, but still...)
Anyway, I think I'll give the GoG "version" a try with VBox 5.x when my distro gets VBox 5.