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Must Speak to Smuggler in Wyrm's Crossing in Chapter 7 to Get to Baldur's Gate Again

g314g314 Member Posts: 201
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
I know the game is 99.999% ready, but I just came across with this idea.

In BG1, in Chapter 7, you're wanted by the Flaming Fist because you're charged with murder. Therefore, getting into Baldur's Gate has to be difficult, if not impossible. That's what I thought the second (maybe third) time I played the game. I decided to go to Wyrm's Crossing, instead of clicking on any side of the city in World Map View just to see what would have happened. As chance would have it, a 'big-hearted' smuggler was waiting for me, ready to get a fat amount of gold in exchange of my access to the city.

I found this little alternative kind of cool, and so I decided to take this way since then, even though I do know that I can get to the city without even touching Wyrm's Crossing.

So, basically I'm requesting that as soon as you get out of Candlekeep in Chapter 7, and switch to World Map View, the game should block your access to the entire city of Baldur's Gate once again. Now you're forced to speak to the smuggler first if you want to gain entrance to the city. Wouldn't it be more realistic and interesting this way than bypassing the guards with a simple click on the map? You can also attack the guards if it's more your style.


  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308
    I.... didn't even know that.
  • g314g314 Member Posts: 201
    Yeah, I'm sure many skipped this part without even knowing it. Also, in all sections of the city there is at least one character who will tell you many interesting things. Besides Tamoko and Ivanne the dwarf in Blushing Mermaid, I can remember:

    - Husam, the 'drunk' Shadow Thief you spoke with in Chapter 5 (city gates).
    - Delthyr, a Harper that knows what happened in the city (near Sorcerous Sundries).
    - Sugar, a courtesan that tells you Scar is dead (NW BG).
    - Jonavin, a Flaming Fist mercenary that informs you Duke Eltan is ill (the docks).
    - Kent, another FF mercenary that warns you about Duke Eltan's healer (north BG).
    - Kaella, a noblewoman who says something about Sarevok (Flaming Fist area).
    - Addy, another noblewoman that tells you Sarevok is waging a war against Amn (central BG).
    - Hecito, a messenger that tells you Amn is preparing for war (west BG).
    - Kolvar, a thief I can't speak with (the docks).

  • JarlJarl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 101
    Kolvar is a Zentharim you can talk with if you have Xzar and/or Montaron in your party.
  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    I found this bit out by accident much later.

    The only problem with this implement is this: how will players know to explore Wyrm's Crossing?

    They'll likely need some kind of dialogue info which directs them to the smuggler. Many might just see the blocked off city and get real confused.
  • CloutierCloutier Member Posts: 228
    You can enter the city without addressing him just fine.
  • g314g314 Member Posts: 201
    Silence said:

    I found this bit out by accident much later.

    The only problem with this implement is this: how will players know to explore Wyrm's Crossing?

    They'll likely need some kind of dialogue info which directs them to the smuggler. Many might just see the blocked off city and get real confused.

    I guess it could happen like meeting Drizzt in BG2. Minus the "You have been waylaid by enemies..." thing.
    Cloutier said:

    You can enter the city without addressing him just fine.

    Well, that's the point of this thread: to make sure you cannot enter the city so easily when you're wanted for the murder of Rieltar.
  • CloutierCloutier Member Posts: 228
    It's a good idea, but I don't think the change is allowed.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Cloutier said:

    It's a good idea, but I don't think the change is allowed.

    I'm sure it falls under the "no changes to existing content" clause, yeah.
  • g314g314 Member Posts: 201
    Well, technically speaking is not purely changing existing content. Quite the contrary: it allows the player to see something that was expected to happen in the original game. But forcing you to speak to the smuggler allows you to enjoy a part of the game that was already included.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    edited September 2012
    This as I see it would not be changing existing content past it's visiblity factor.
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