I need help overcoming my aversion to Lawful alignments.

Hello! In an upcoming PnP game I'm going to be playing a LN Doomguide of Kelemvor. My only issue is I normally hate being a lawful alignment due to feelings of being tied down and restricted. How do I get over this feeling?
Edit: Derp, not PnP. I mean Multiplayer BG game. >_>
Edit: Derp, not PnP. I mean Multiplayer BG game. >_>
Now, if I were you, I'd try and put yourself in the shoes of the character. Why are they lawful? They certainly didn't just get up one day and say "I'm gonna follow the rules." No. There's something in their fundamental belief structure that makes them devout adherents of some set of rules. A Doomguide is likely to believe strongly in the natural order of things. Strength, according to the Doomguide, comes out of accepting what is, rather than trying to pervert the world into something it's not. That doesn't mean they're necessarily super rigid in every way. A Doomguide is rather unlikely to have much respect for mortal authority, which will all be dust in due time, but they'll fight tooth and nail to preserve the natural order as they see it.
Do you watch anime, Vallmyr? Because if you do, I highly recommend Fate/Zero as an exploration of what it can mean to be lawful. It's by no means comprehensive, but it does pretty clearly illustrate that lawfulness is a choice you make. It doesn't exactly restrict you, in the typical sense. There are simply things you will not choose to do. That's what makes you lawful.
I don't watch a lot of anime but this series is SUPER HYPE. Saber is the BEST Paladin!
Anyway, hm. . . I suppose an angle my character could make this following Kelemvor's specific code of conduct and philosophy while being apathetic towards other laws and such.
Or you could take a somber approach --
Kelemvor -- like the black hound of halfling pantheon -- is what must be. He didn't want the job but taking it was the only way to keep it from falling into the hands of someone who would abuse it. So you approach life with the same spirit -- you follow the the law because that is what must be done, the alternative is worse. So you deal with the shadow thieves because the alternative is worse.
Do you like any opinion on Raven from the Teen Titans -- cartoon or comic? She would make a good cleric of Kelemvor -- full of feeling but never able to express it.
Hm. . . gives me an idea.
Maybe the character could be raised from birth to be a Cleric of Kelemvor and is lawful out of duty to his family and constantly holds back their emotions which can lead to outbursts every now and then. Taking the sacrifice for the rest of humanity! I'm starting to like the idea for this character. I imagine this Doomguide (Haven't gotten a name yet since I just thought of the char) would be very envious of chaotic characters but also realize he can't do as such due to his job.
As an example, you could have a fairly flexible, straightforward Lawful Neutral mercenary with the following ideals:
1) If I'm doing a job, I need to get paid for it. No freebies unless I owe the person.
2) If I agree to take a quest or mission, I will complete it unless there's a very good reason not to.
3) No harm to unarmed civilians or kids.
4) No taking pleasure in killing, it's a job, nothing more.
Derps unite!
I suppose a good Lawful Good Marvel character would be Storm-- She adheres to the laws for the sake of everyone, but that doesn't mean she's not conflicted about it at times-- if you want no conflict and occassional "I'm a saint" assholery, see Cyclops. Hey @Amber_Scott , would Kitty Pride be Neutral Good or leaning more to Chaotic Good? I think of Chaotic Good as being Iron Man of the Avengers movies or Wolverine in general, but I have a hard time imagining Kitty as a hard-ass guardian of goodness like Storm probably could, lol...
/nerd wars, BEGIN!
I'd say Thor is more Neutral Good, as he constantly does precisely the opposite of put Asgard first, usually defying Odin to help the people of Midgard (Earth).
If you want to play a lawful character, figure out what ORDER they stand for and be strict in adherence to that. Your law is the law of survival such that if someone can't defend themselves, they don't deserve to live. Your law is the law of death in that everything dies and you you are the messenger of The Grim Reaper. Your law is the law of the revolution set to overthrow the oppressive regime of the country which happens to breed chaos and anarchy through it's inconsistent and chaotic application.
So you guys know, I made a thread dedicated to discussing the axes in terms of how they relate to popular fictional characters so we can freely discuss these awesome things without derailing other threads
Join in here: http://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/42424/alignment-wars-thread-placing-all-our-favorite-fictional-characters-into-little-boxes
He has an awesome D&D collection behind him. That's kind of cool.