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Fix Sorcerer Kits spells per day

AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
Currently, if a Sorcerer kit is installed using the class usability flag (0x00004000 19), it gains a bonus spell per level beyond the progression listed in MXSPLSRC.2da. This affects any sorcerer kit added by a mod, but does not seem to impact the vanilla Dragon Disciple.

This isn't a major issue, but would make modding the Sorcerer kit more intuitive.

An example:
I have installed a kit that has 'may cast one fewer spell per level (than sorcerers)' as a feature. I have included in this kit's CLAB file an applied effect (using Opcode 42) than reduces the number of spell slots by 1 ("increase" by -1).
I expect this to result in the kit having 2 first level spell slots at 1st level. Instead, it has 3. A kit without any effect reducing spell slots would start at 1st level with 4.

I have confirmed that it is not an issue with opcode 42, as increasing the magnitude of the ability to -2 properly reaches the expected amount of 2 spell slots at 1st level.


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