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[Windows] [Steam] Party Members Approach Dead Seated Commoners Without Being Commanded to

gugulug5000gugulug5000 Member Posts: 248
Steps to recreate:
1) Load the attached save
2) Commence massacring everyone
3) Once combat is ended, some or all party members should move by themselves to the location of a dead, seated commoner and spazz for a moment as they attempt to stand in the same square as the dead person.

Party member may even attempt to return to the dead commoners even after being given another command, or after using nearby area transitions. It also appears that only characters with standard attack script and a melee weapon are affected (though I haven't tried many of the other scripts). This issue is not exclusive to the location in the save file.

A related, issue is that characters who commence murdering everyone usually move on to the next target after they kill their current one. Characters, however, seem to ignore auto targeting commoners of the opposite sex of the one they were manually commanded to kill (ie, you tell a character to kill a male commoner, he will automatically proceed to massacre all male NPCs who are nearby (including fat males, and noblemen), but will ignore all of the female ones, and vice versa).


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