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Oster said "I'm sure we'll have something else for you"

And similar comments have been made by other blue posters on these boards.

So here's my fanboy pitch for Throne of Bhaal: Enhanced Edition/Adventure XYZ/whatever you want to call it:


There are other powerful Bhaalspawn besides just the Five running about, and running amok. Not as powerful as the Five, but still very strong. Maybe some of them didn't "Make the cut" for the Five as far as Mellisan was concerned, and could be killed later by her, or the armies of the Five. Or maybe she manipulates you into killing them too. Or maybe the Solar says confronting them is part of your Destiny. Or whatever.

New maps east and south of the TOB map, or perhaps you just teleport to wherever they are via pocket plane, and the maps aren't directly connected to the TOB ones. Maybe Sarevok's researches into the sect of Cyric gave him the clue to where they are, if you take him into the party.

These other Bhaalspawn include (but are not limited to):

*A Derro. Perhaps he is feuding with Sendai, and she took some of his people captive, and that's where the Derro slave in her tunnels came from. The Derro Bhaalspawn's own underground lair includes creepy rotating platforms of deadly traps, etc. and lots of Derro coming for your head.

*A Sorcerer. He sits smugly atop his tower in some wilderness area. Think Ramazith's tower in BG but way more epic. And before you even enter it, he's raining fireballs and lightning bolts down on you. Maybe he's got a Dragon ally or two, maybe some demons. Maybe one of his own lieutenants is a recruitable party member, especially if you're evil.

*A pirate lord out in the sea. Smarter then Desharik, and less of a slimeball than Saemon (Saemon's probably crossed him in the past), he's resisted being pulled into the greater Bhaalspawn conflict, instead amassing a mighty fleet with which to harass the coast, sating his Bhaalspawn bloodlust by wreaking havoc as all pirates do, but on a more epic scale. He avoided the Five and kept his identity secret, even from his own followers. At least, he managed that until you came along....

And of course, new party members! The aforementioned sorcerer's lieutenant. Perhaps a warrior/mage from Suldanessalar whom Ellesime sent along to keep an eye on you. One of the Derro's prisoners/slaves. A shadowdancer in Saradush, a mercenary looking for a party outside Watcher's Keep. (Maybe that one could be recruitable for SOA as well?) Maybe a Bhaalspawn is trapped/hiding out in Watcher's Keep. Could be a party member....or they might just be out to kill you.

Let it Begin! The Bhaalspawn war isn't over until all are dead, or standing alongside you to take out Mellisan in the final battle!


  • doggydoggy Member Posts: 313
    And I have also thought about what happened to Immy if you don't bring her along. Is she just killed by the 5 or Mellisan?
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    If this takes place before ToB how does Sarevok fit in?
  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    Vasculio said:

    If this takes place before ToB how does Sarevok fit in?

    Not before. During. Thought the description made that clear, sorry if it didn't.
  • VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
    edited July 2015
    Arcalian said:

    Vasculio said:

    If this takes place before ToB how does Sarevok fit in?

    Not before. During. Thought the description made that clear, sorry if it didn't.
    Ah... got it! I too... would like to have a bigger ToB and more adventures with Sarevok... Actually i would prefer that idea over an expansion that took place after SoA and before ToB. Sarevok needs more screen time! Just saying...

  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Yes, not bad. A sort of TotSC expansion-pack, but for ToB. I've suggested that principle in another thread, but you've now put meat on the bones by offering some decent suggestions for what the content might be. I particularly like the concept of the pirate-lord side-quest.
  • SmilingSwordSmilingSword Member Posts: 827
    edited July 2015
    Here's an idea if this would add a lot more end game content, then maybe Solaufein as a official NPC would be viable.

    I really like the idea of a bigger longer ToB, but SoA will always be bigger than it, so adding NPC's to just the expansion seems like a bit of a silly idea to me. Sure the way Sarevok was implemented was great, but that was just one NPC, if we get 3 or 4 it would be nice to get them in SoA, so we can learn about them, do a quest or 2 for them, romance them and then have quests they could resolve in ToB.
  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307
    I'm not too fond of a ToTSC form expansion for ToB. I feel it wouldn't fit because of the sense of urgency that section introduces. I would prefer a bridge between SoA and ToB where we engage in planar travel. Would love to see Beamdog go completely nuts and start exploring more planes with the tools they've got. One way to potentially do it would be to have the teleport after the statues in ToB take you somewhere completely different.
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    I actually would really like to see ToB get an expansion as it feels a bit thin as is for being the final 3rd act of the Bhaalspawn story. HOWEVER it needs to have more social elements and npc interactions. ToB is extremely combat heavy as is with long slogs of combat with little downtime between them. A ToB expansion needs to offer some more variety.

    I agree, it's the RP/Social elements that are so sorely missed in TOB.

    One way would be to use the pocket plane abilities for the NPC.
    It says at one point, "it takes you where you need to go".
    Well what if Edwin needed to go to Thay?
    Minsc needed to return to tell them about Dynaheir?
    Haer'Dalis needed to help out Raelis on a different plane?
    Aerie needed to return and find her family?
    ect. ect.

    Within that set up, you could also get an understanding of how the Bhaalspawn saga is viewed from different perspectives. Some places would help, some would just want you dead, you'd be put in the situation where you either had to escape or persuade people to change their minds.

    You have dragged these people with you for months, it wouldn't be immersion breaking for Charname to realise that they owe their companions some loyalty and help if they wanted them to stay and fight alongside them for the throne.

  • rjmacreadyrjmacready Member Posts: 91
    edited March 2016
    Its a great idea but my personal opinion is one thing the bhaalspawn saga needs less of is more bhaalspawn.

    I agree with others that the expansion really lacks a roleplaying and social impetus. Dont get me wrong I still love ToB but I could easily call it "romancing Viconia while fightin" since thats all I did.

    I just think ToB would benefit greatly from something that allows you and your party to stretch your legs and find your voices - that is doing it completely removed from the slaying of other Bhaalspawn.

    I know it was only a small encounter with virtually no flexibility but one of the parts of ToB I enjoyed was that Oasis where you meet that Tombelthan fellow. I know its connected to the Bhaalspawn still but it at least originated from and represented a connection to something outside of it. It reminded you there was more going on in the world than just Bhaalspawn slaughtering eachother.

    So yeah Im of the view that ToB has far too much carnage and combat already. Id love to see a little more socialising and subtlety and interaction with your party if it was to ever happen.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    I'd rather see a new adventure,starting at level 1 and using the same rules and engine, in a new place of the Forgotten Realms that we haven't seen in an one of these games before..   Or maybe some sort of world-builder such as what was made for NWN + NWN2
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2016
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • downloaddownload Member Posts: 25
    I think Throne of Bhaal was a victim of circumstance. The Baldur's Gate saga deserved a full final game, but between the end of 2nd Edition AD&D, the development of Neverwinter Nights and early work on KOTOR, Bioware wasn't going to be able to do that. Maybe Beamdog will find some way to expand the expansion.
    Elendar said:
    I'd rather see a new adventure,starting at level 1 and using the same rules and engine, in a new place of the Forgotten Realms that we haven't seen in an one of these games before..   Or maybe some sort of world-builder such as what was made for NWN + NWN2
    That or Baldur's Gate III: Your Dick Dad Is Back :D
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited March 2016
    that really bothers me about 5e. bhaal and myrkul returning makes me feel baldurs gate and mask of the betrayer are pointless.

  • CloutierCloutier Member Posts: 228
    ToB should have been a full fledged game. I seem to remember it was made an expansion because it had been decided to phase out the Infinity engine for business reasons.

    In a perfect world BG2 would have capped a bit earlier (like 2-2.5m XP) and ToB would have filled the gap up until 5-6m XP. Within a full 50hr of gameplay.

    XP in ToB is a dime a dozen and level ups are pointless.
  • BeowulfBeowulf Member Posts: 236
    Throne Of Bhall was a complete railroad. You had a few options like do A, B, C, or D area after the city was done. But really it was just 1) self actualize in your poopet plane then mess about in the city and then do A,B,C, or D area. Baldurs gate was great as if you were a true clowny power gamer on the 5th playthrough you could try and run through the Ankeg Bug area past the angry priest girl and straight to the small village to rob that new age gnome of her ring. It did limit you in that if you delayed too long the later characters would be leveled with low hitpoints and poor skills but overall it was way less linear than Throne of Bahl or BG 2. That is also why I did not care for Icewind dale soo much. But Yeah an Tales of the Sword Coat sort of expansion to Throne of Bhall would be great. 
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited March 2016
    One of ToB's problems is that so much of it is you just trying to get around arbitrary barriers (like needing the rope and other items in Abazigal's lair) that only seem to exist to stretch out the time it takes for you to fight the next group of generic enemies. Had these areas had some lore explaining their construction or these impediments they would have been a lot more tolerable to me, but at the moment I just view them as being a rather annoying attempt at prolonging the time it takes for you to beat the expansion (without really adding anything).
    Post edited by elminster on
  • downloaddownload Member Posts: 25
    megamike15 wrote: »
    that really bothers me about 5e. bhaal and myrkul returning makes me feel baldurs gate and mask of the betrayer are pointless.

    Bhaal's return is based on the events of the novels and thus should be ignored/severely altered by anyone using them.

    I've yet to see an explanation for exactly how and why Myrkul comes back.
  • Yann1989Yann1989 Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2016
    Yep, too much powerfighting in ToB, not enough roleplaying time. My biggest concern is also that everybody seems to resist to magic, so direct spells at the ennemy become ineffective, unless you send 15 debuff spells before... However the feeling of living a great adventure is still there in ToB :)
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