Stats for Tandem The Spoony

Spoony's tale of his bard character inspired me of doing a character sheet for Tandem.
Tandem the Spoony. Lvl 20 Chaotic Good elf bard. 152 HP. Str 15 Dex 18 Cos 14 Int 13 Wis 16 Cha 19
Attacks: Longsword(1d8+2), Crossbow(1d8+4)
Number of attacks: 2.
Special attacks: Songs and spells.
Special Defenses: nil.
Armor Class: 24 or -4.
Size: Medium.
Clergy alignment(for the period when he was a god): NG, CG, TN, CN.
Magic resistance: nil.

Tandem the Spoony. Lvl 20 Chaotic Good elf bard. 152 HP. Str 15 Dex 18 Cos 14 Int 13 Wis 16 Cha 19
Attacks: Longsword(1d8+2), Crossbow(1d8+4)
Number of attacks: 2.
Special attacks: Songs and spells.
Special Defenses: nil.
Armor Class: 24 or -4.
Size: Medium.
Clergy alignment(for the period when he was a god): NG, CG, TN, CN.
Magic resistance: nil.