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Private Messaging? Inbox but no Send?

BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
edited September 2012 in Site Resources
Hi, I was wanting to send a pm to @jcompton if that's possible.

How do you send a pm to anybody at all? I got a message from @Bhyraen, and it's still sitting there, under my "Inbox" button, so I know that there should be a messaging function in here.

Is it not fully implemented and currently priviliged, or something like that?

If not, can someone please help me find the messaging system? Thanks.

EDIT: Hookay, never mind. I managed to figure it out. I went to "Inbox", and then saw the "New Discussion" button, which didn't intuitively seem like what I was looking for. Then I noticed a blank line hiding above the composition window, and, voila, I was able to type a recipient name and send the message. (I hope.)


  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    You just have to click the little icon next to your upper-left portrait photo- looks like an envelope. Then scroll down to the one who sent it or to your inbox, and it opens the PM. If you want to send a new one, go to Jcompton's profile page, find the "Message" tab in the upper right corner, and click it- should open a new PM with jcompton's name in the upper box labeled "Recipients," type the PM in the lower box, hit SEND. ;-)
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