Easier, more streamlined Stealing from Stores

Currently one can buy or sell items in stores in bulk by holding down the shift button. Whenever you buy or sell items, the scrollbar stays at the same general location of the items list as before.
However, when stealing, one cannot use the shift button to attempt to steal more than one item at a time, and after a successful steal, one is bumped back to the top of the item list instead of staying where the list was.
Please standardize stealing with buying and selling, by allowing one to try to steal multiple items at once and not losing one's place in the item screen.
Most Sincerely,
However, when stealing, one cannot use the shift button to attempt to steal more than one item at a time, and after a successful steal, one is bumped back to the top of the item list instead of staying where the list was.
Please standardize stealing with buying and selling, by allowing one to try to steal multiple items at once and not losing one's place in the item screen.
Most Sincerely,