How many percentage did BG take up on your HD?
Member Posts: 1
I remember buying a giant machine, with a mammoth HD of entire 8 GB. And then my friend said to me "Yeah, and I have this awesome game, it will swallow half of your space". And it did.
I think with the TotSC expansion the game came to about 2.5 GBs total
I had a 6.4 GB hard drive
so that comes to bout 39 percent
This 298 GB I used for games, 69,8 GB of which was used for all Black Isle games installations together (I know the exact number as I wrote it down when planning to upgrade).
It must have been about 8 BG Tutu installs (1 of which I called the MegaMod install which was a bit like a Big World Project install, but with exclusion of the BG2 part), 3 BG2 installs and 2 IWD installs.
69,8 GB of 298 GB makes 23%
*edit: oh good old days when there was no My Documents\BGEE folder and another identical install for a separate game could be created by copying all but the BG1 Data, Data and Music folders to another folder, adjust the path in the Baldur.ini and run from the BG2Main.exe in there for a wholly separate Tutu campaign - now I have to make do with creating a separate user account - and I'm at a loss as to how to create an install that's differently modded.