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true_shinkentrue_shinken Member Posts: 84
I feel dumb for asking this, but how do I uninstall BGEE and BG2EE? They don't show up under programs on my control panel and there is no uninstall program as well. I just got Steam keys for the games, so I wanted to reinstall them through Steam. Any help´?


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Just delete them. If you used the Beamdog client you can right-click on them in the client and remove them from your computer that way; otherwise, dragging the folder to your recycle bin should do the trick.

    (You can also uninstall them from the Add/Remove Programs utility.)
  • caramello12caramello12 Member Posts: 6
    If I was you I would remove them via the Add/Remove Programs utility as Dee suggested, that way the game is completely removed from the system including the registry.
  • true_shinkentrue_shinken Member Posts: 84
    That's why I'm asking, the games don't show up on the Add/Remove Programs list.
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