Quick Question 2: The Wild Magician

Hello once again I have a question about neera i recently picked her up, My question is what is her class about i have never played 2 or Throne of Bhaal so i have never heard of the wild mage until now can some one please explain it to me
Her spells has a %5 chance per casting to go into a surge. Wild surge is a random roll of 1-100, they can have very different effects. Bursts of fire, random lightnings, cows falling from sky, spell cast at different target, gender bending, color change, starting snow, destroying gold, creating a random treasure, summoning a demon from hell, etc.
Also each time she casts a spell her spell caster lvl fluctates between -5 or +5. At lvl 5 when she casts a fireball, she can get a lvl bonus for more damage. At lvl 10 she can get -5 lvl penalty and produce a weaker fireball.
She has an unique spell at lvl 1, nahal's reckless dweomer. When she uses it, she tries to cast a spell in her spell book. Any spell! If she has cloudkill in her book at lvl 1, she may try to cast it with reckless dweomer. The result is another wild surge, but her level is added to the random roll as she tries to control the pure chaos. Most results will still be disastrous at low levels, BUT she has a tiny chance to cast a super powerful spell even at lvl 1, if she has the spell written in her book.
Chaos shield spell (2nd lvl) improves her wild surges by adding +15 to the wild surge roll. This improves your chances of getting a good result instead of disaster when using Reckless dweomer by %15.