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BG2 tweak pack does not work

ojthesimpsonojthesimpson Member Posts: 121
I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out while all the sudden this wont flipping work.

I've gotten plenty of mods to work
duskblade kit
sellswords, brack to brynn, dungeon crawl, ect

but whenever I try to install the essential IMO tweak back and dungeon be gone. Flipping nothing!! command prompt opens then promptly closes before I can even read what the error was.

I've reinstalled several times. does anyone have the raw files they can send me for their mods that I could just copy and paste into my folders? I dont care what mods u have as long as I have the basics of tweak pack setup and the duskblade kit if possible. (love that one)

or a step by step installation instructions. I never realized how many of the tweaks just made the game better.. i really miss em.


  • ojthesimpsonojthesimpson Member Posts: 121
    whenever I open the setup file it opens. instantly closes then the setup file i just opened is changed to something like this SETUP-DUNGEONBEGONE.DEBUG and can't be opened. I just can't crack this one. I've figured out so many mods before. even when EE just came out I figured out with little computer knowledge how to copy and paste my dialog.tlk file to instlal mods then repaste it where it went. It bugs me I cant figure this out.
  • billbiscobillbisco Member Posts: 364
    Perhaps you should post this in that mod's forum.
  • ojthesimpsonojthesimpson Member Posts: 121
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