Fussiness of "Archeological dig" quest [SPOILERS]

These are probably unrelated to a mod, but I can't report it as a bug since I run a modded game. So I am hoping that someone else has similar experience, and it may be something that is easier handled in a tweak/fix pack like SCS.
As usual my issues stem from playing the non-traditional, "evil" way, which doesn't get near as much end-user QA/testing. It's likely all behavior "by design", but really janky design in this case.
Basically, it’s entirely easy to bork the Archeological Site quest. If you’re rude to Charleston, forget being able to get into the tomb w/o killing everyone (and usually Gallor at the same time). Worse though, you can’t get to the idol anyway since the diggers are all dead. This is jarring since Gallor is able to give you an unfinishable quest - he probably shouldn't spawn at all, once you shut down things via Charleston.
Now if you are playing the double-crosser, you’re supposed to be able to give Gallor the idol after the disaster in the tomb. But the Doomsayer spawns so quickly that it almost immediately triggers the dialogue that consequently “possesses” Gallor. I tried this with a character outside the tomb, standing next to Gallor, as well as keeping the entire party on the inside. The mechanic is such: as soon as you pick up the idol (and start to move away?), ONCE A CHARACTER IS OUTSIDE, the monster spawns at the west end of the excavation “site”, heading toward the nearest party member (or party leader, I guess). If Gallor anywhere near that party member, you don’t have time to reach him to initiate a convo before the Doomsayer reaches you first, and consequently turns Gallor hostile. This took several retries to figure out.
What I did that finally worked was walk as far forwards toward the tomb entrance as I could BEFORE talking to Charleston, so when Gallor spawned he got stuck near the entrance as well. Talked to Gallor and accepted his counter-offer. After picking up the idol inside, exited the tomb and IMMEDIATELY talked to Gallor (no sign of Doomsayer yet). Gave him the idol and got my reward. Now - this is where it gets weird. I killed Gallor before he could walk away, and the Doomsayer spawned, walking right past us and into the tomb while looking for the idol, which was still on Gallor’s corpse. After we picked up the idol from Gallor, it spawned again to the west, then headed straight toward me and turned hostile. The usual fight then ensued.
Really weird. Both in that NPC positioning/pathing affects the way the quest plays out, and seeing two Doomsayers!
As usual my issues stem from playing the non-traditional, "evil" way, which doesn't get near as much end-user QA/testing. It's likely all behavior "by design", but really janky design in this case.
Basically, it’s entirely easy to bork the Archeological Site quest. If you’re rude to Charleston, forget being able to get into the tomb w/o killing everyone (and usually Gallor at the same time). Worse though, you can’t get to the idol anyway since the diggers are all dead. This is jarring since Gallor is able to give you an unfinishable quest - he probably shouldn't spawn at all, once you shut down things via Charleston.
Now if you are playing the double-crosser, you’re supposed to be able to give Gallor the idol after the disaster in the tomb. But the Doomsayer spawns so quickly that it almost immediately triggers the dialogue that consequently “possesses” Gallor. I tried this with a character outside the tomb, standing next to Gallor, as well as keeping the entire party on the inside. The mechanic is such: as soon as you pick up the idol (and start to move away?), ONCE A CHARACTER IS OUTSIDE, the monster spawns at the west end of the excavation “site”, heading toward the nearest party member (or party leader, I guess). If Gallor anywhere near that party member, you don’t have time to reach him to initiate a convo before the Doomsayer reaches you first, and consequently turns Gallor hostile. This took several retries to figure out.
What I did that finally worked was walk as far forwards toward the tomb entrance as I could BEFORE talking to Charleston, so when Gallor spawned he got stuck near the entrance as well. Talked to Gallor and accepted his counter-offer. After picking up the idol inside, exited the tomb and IMMEDIATELY talked to Gallor (no sign of Doomsayer yet). Gave him the idol and got my reward. Now - this is where it gets weird. I killed Gallor before he could walk away, and the Doomsayer spawned, walking right past us and into the tomb while looking for the idol, which was still on Gallor’s corpse. After we picked up the idol from Gallor, it spawned again to the west, then headed straight toward me and turned hostile. The usual fight then ensued.
Really weird. Both in that NPC positioning/pathing affects the way the quest plays out, and seeing two Doomsayers!