Will Legacy of Bhaal Mode be implemented into BG1 and BG2??

I guess the most confusing thing about this expansion is what features to the engine are going to be implemented across the board in all 3 games (and maybe to a lesser extent in IWD as well). Or is this new tactical mode (which I would assume has some basis in the legacy of SCS) only going to apply to the Siege of Dragonspear content??
I hope soon those updates do come out asap. I'd really like an alternative to the various tactics mods like SCS to make the games a bit more challenging.
And since they also want to patch BG2EE for the new class and the new UI, I'm pretty sure that they will
includeLoB Mode.
@AWizardDidIt I *think* they said that BGEE will be patched once SoD comes out (since it is an expansion
and not standalone) and that they will be working at a BG2EE patch directly afterwards.
But i admittetly have little luck finding quotes atm (ned them for another threa x_x) so I could be wrong I guess =(
Since the Nightmare Mode is already there, I'd say that it will become the Legacy of Bhaal mode and will be on both BG1EE and BG2EE. But that's just my prediction.
If it wasn't in the Q&A video, it was in one of the first few developer posts on the forums here following the announcements.
I don't have time atm to track it down sorry.
"Legacy of Bhaal Mode: A difficulty setting offering tactical challenges only the most skilled of players can hope to defeat"
By saying "tactical challenge" I would hope that means more than just buffing HP and damage output of monsters...
The same statement makes me doubt though if the challenges are available outside of SoD as well though. It depends on wether the general AI is improved, or if they worked on the AI for specific battles and specific opponents. I hope it's a mixture of both. Still, for an upgraded AI in the BG & BG2, they'd have to work on specific enemies AI's outside of SoD as well, for a full implementation across the board.
That's not how SCS works.
SCS options need to be carefully trimmed; one can't simply include all.
Much less so for Ascension.
Also, I ONLY play SCS on Core difficulty. To lock it to Insane is just... insane.