Adventure Time D&D stats
I'm surprised nobody made some character sheets for Finn & Co. considering the various references to Dungeons & Dragons made throughout the series.
I'll do it.
Finn (The Human)
Level 10 Fighter
Neutral Good
HP: 118
Initiative: +4
AC: 20
#Atk: 2/1 (Keenblade, +6 to hit, 1d8+10/1d12+10), 2/1 (Unarmed, +3 to hit, 1d6+6 damage), 1 (Sling bullet, +3 to hit, 1d4+7/1d6+7)
Weapon Proficiencies: Longsword (Double Specialization), Unarmed (Double Specialization), Sling (Proficient)
Magic Resistance: 25%
Strength: 11(18)
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 16
Special Attacks: Unarmed strike: Finn's a talented pugilist. He can attack with any part of his body dealing base 1d6 points of damage per hit against man-sized creatures. Against large-sized creatures, Finn kicks them pretty hard in the crotch dealing 2d6 points of damage per unarmed strike.
Stone Throwing: Stone Throwing: Finn's really good at tossing stones. He can hurl sling bullets as if wielding a sling.
Keenblade: Finn's golden sword functions as a Keenblade Long Sword.
Awesome Hat: Finn's hat is awesome and you better not say otherwise! While wearing his awesome hat (and he always wears it), Finn's strength is 18, his AC improves as if wearing full-plate armor (AC 20), +3 to his saving throws.
Awesome Backpack: Functions as a handy haversack.
Jake the Dog
Chaotic Good
HP: 66.
AC: 14
Initiative: +3
#Atk: 4 legs (1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4)
Special Abilities
Weapon Immunity: Due to his morphic nature, Jake is totally immune to weapon damage.
Regeneration: Jake can regenerate lost limbs and hit points as a troll.
Immunity to fire and acid: Jake is completely immune to fire and acid damage.
Morphic Body: Jake can morph his body into any shape and size from as small as an ant to as large as the tallest tree. Each increase in size from man-sized grants Jake the strength and movement of a giant equal to his new size up to titan's strength. He can stretch his limbs to great lengths allowing him to attack any creature even if he doesn't have line of effect (if line of sight isn't provided, such as a creature hiding behind cover, Jake attacks them as if they were invisible). Jake can shift his appendages into the form of different objects such as keys effectively granting him 100% to pick locks.
Expert Musician: Jake is a proficient viola player and an expert rhymer. Jake's viola has such a soporific effect that creatures hearing it must save vs. spells or fall asleep for 1d6 hours.
Princes Bubblegum
16th level Wizard
Lawful Good(with Lawful Neutral tendencies)
HP: 60
AC: 12
Initiative: +2
Atk: Slap(1d3)
Str 10
Dex 14
Cos 10
Int 20
Wis 10
Cha 18
Special Attacks: Spells.
Special Abilities
Supra-Genius: Princess Bubblegum dabbles in all branches of geekdom, allowing her to replicate any non-cursed magic item using any material she has on hand. She can use all scrolls, potions, rods, wands, and staves. If any replicated item has charges it comes with 1d3+1 charges and crumples into dust once all charges are spent. For scrolls, any costly spell components must be purchased and used.
Princess Bubblegum can own up to 8 replicated scrolls or potions, 4 replicated wands, 3 replicated staves, 2 replicated rods, and 1 replicated armor, weapon, or miscellaneous magic weapon at a time. Trying to replicate more magic items than her limit causes the previous item to crumble into dust.
Bubblegum DNA: Princess Bubblegum's half-human, half-candy DNA grants her immunity to spells and abilities that only target humans or demihumans.
Decorpsinator Serum: This magical potion instantly brings dead flesh back to life acting as a resurrection spell cast by a 20th level cleric.
Swan Ship: This swan shaped flying mechanism can carry up to 4 man-sized creatures, maximum 2,000lbs. It flies at a speed of 24, type III movement. It has AC 1, is made out of wood (but saves as metal), and has 80hp. When a level is pulled on its head the ship can fire two lasers from its eyes, each dealing 2d8+1 points of damage and attacking as a 9HD creature.
I'll do it.
Finn (The Human)
Level 10 Fighter
Neutral Good
HP: 118
Initiative: +4
AC: 20
#Atk: 2/1 (Keenblade, +6 to hit, 1d8+10/1d12+10), 2/1 (Unarmed, +3 to hit, 1d6+6 damage), 1 (Sling bullet, +3 to hit, 1d4+7/1d6+7)
Weapon Proficiencies: Longsword (Double Specialization), Unarmed (Double Specialization), Sling (Proficient)
Magic Resistance: 25%
Strength: 11(18)
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 16
Special Attacks: Unarmed strike: Finn's a talented pugilist. He can attack with any part of his body dealing base 1d6 points of damage per hit against man-sized creatures. Against large-sized creatures, Finn kicks them pretty hard in the crotch dealing 2d6 points of damage per unarmed strike.
Stone Throwing: Stone Throwing: Finn's really good at tossing stones. He can hurl sling bullets as if wielding a sling.
Keenblade: Finn's golden sword functions as a Keenblade Long Sword.
Awesome Hat: Finn's hat is awesome and you better not say otherwise! While wearing his awesome hat (and he always wears it), Finn's strength is 18, his AC improves as if wearing full-plate armor (AC 20), +3 to his saving throws.
Awesome Backpack: Functions as a handy haversack.
Jake the Dog
Chaotic Good
HP: 66.
AC: 14
Initiative: +3
#Atk: 4 legs (1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4)
Special Abilities
Weapon Immunity: Due to his morphic nature, Jake is totally immune to weapon damage.
Regeneration: Jake can regenerate lost limbs and hit points as a troll.
Immunity to fire and acid: Jake is completely immune to fire and acid damage.
Morphic Body: Jake can morph his body into any shape and size from as small as an ant to as large as the tallest tree. Each increase in size from man-sized grants Jake the strength and movement of a giant equal to his new size up to titan's strength. He can stretch his limbs to great lengths allowing him to attack any creature even if he doesn't have line of effect (if line of sight isn't provided, such as a creature hiding behind cover, Jake attacks them as if they were invisible). Jake can shift his appendages into the form of different objects such as keys effectively granting him 100% to pick locks.
Expert Musician: Jake is a proficient viola player and an expert rhymer. Jake's viola has such a soporific effect that creatures hearing it must save vs. spells or fall asleep for 1d6 hours.
Princes Bubblegum
16th level Wizard
Lawful Good(with Lawful Neutral tendencies)
HP: 60
AC: 12
Initiative: +2
Atk: Slap(1d3)
Str 10
Dex 14
Cos 10
Int 20
Wis 10
Cha 18
Special Attacks: Spells.
Special Abilities
Supra-Genius: Princess Bubblegum dabbles in all branches of geekdom, allowing her to replicate any non-cursed magic item using any material she has on hand. She can use all scrolls, potions, rods, wands, and staves. If any replicated item has charges it comes with 1d3+1 charges and crumples into dust once all charges are spent. For scrolls, any costly spell components must be purchased and used.
Princess Bubblegum can own up to 8 replicated scrolls or potions, 4 replicated wands, 3 replicated staves, 2 replicated rods, and 1 replicated armor, weapon, or miscellaneous magic weapon at a time. Trying to replicate more magic items than her limit causes the previous item to crumble into dust.
Bubblegum DNA: Princess Bubblegum's half-human, half-candy DNA grants her immunity to spells and abilities that only target humans or demihumans.
Decorpsinator Serum: This magical potion instantly brings dead flesh back to life acting as a resurrection spell cast by a 20th level cleric.
Swan Ship: This swan shaped flying mechanism can carry up to 4 man-sized creatures, maximum 2,000lbs. It flies at a speed of 24, type III movement. It has AC 1, is made out of wood (but saves as metal), and has 80hp. When a level is pulled on its head the ship can fire two lasers from its eyes, each dealing 2d8+1 points of damage and attacking as a 9HD creature.
Chaotic Neutral. Vampire. 10th level Bard.
HP: 80
AC: 20(+6 natural +4 Dex)
Initiative: +4
Attack: Slap (1d4 plus Energy Drain)
Special Attacks: Color Red Drain, Children of the Night, Songs, Bardic Spells.
Special Qualities: Undead traits.
Str 10, Dex 18, Con-, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18
Equipment: Her guitar.
Ice King/Simon Petrikov
Neutral Evil 18th level Wizard
HP: 108
AC: 12( +2 Dex)
Initiative: +2
Attack: Punch( 1d4 plus cold damage)
Special Attacks: Spells, mostly ice related
Special Qualities: Immunity to cold damage.
Str 13, Dex 14, Cos 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10
Familiar: Gunther the penguin.