For BG1, "Unfinished Business", a few components from the Tweaks pack (assuming they haven't been implemented, like pausing during dialogue and getting rid of the "You Must Gather Your Party" sound) and possibly BG1NPC, which I've never used but seems to have a largely positive consensus among BG veterans.
For BG2, assuming Beamdog is still bound by the same hardline restrictions, it'll be "Unfinished Business", more Tweaks (such as the use of an "Edwina" portrait during the Nether Scrolls section), "Ascension" and maybe "Turnabout" assuming it's ever updated to work properly.
I think the only real things I intend on installing at the start if anything are the Grand Mastery for Multiclass Fighters and the BG1 Grand Mastery if it ain't fixed.
@triclops41: Silencing the "You Must Gather Your Party" man is worth the entire installation process. And we mustn't forget the one that disables that bastard Malchor Harpell - I'll be keeping my Drizzt loot, thank you very much.
No real telling yet how much of this will be needed/enabled for BG:EE, but here's my BG1 standard:
- ToB Extender to among other things disable the stoneskin colour, make sleeping creatues awaken when hit and have them drop their inventory when dying from freezing, disintegration and petrification.
- G3 fixpack.
- The combined 1pp pack, will likely be fully integrated in the EE.
- Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters, just what it sounds like.
- Sirine's Call, another miniquest.
- The Thalantyr mod that makes him able to modify/upgrade items, quite similar to Weimer's Item Upgrade mod for BG2.
- Lost Items mod, adds some otherwise rare or nonexisting BG2-items to BG1, like katanas etc. Should not be needed in BG:EE.
- The BG1 NPC Project. Probably the most essential BG1 mod for my playing experience, don't really want to go without it anymore. Will wait until it's compatible before undertaking a serious playthrough.
- BG1 Unfinished Business, nothing major but a lot of nice touches.
- Several NPC mods, like Finch, Mur'Neth and Indira. Even if I don't keep them all in the party for a full run, I try to run with them for a few in-game days at least.
- Spell Revisions, slightly edited to include only the spells I want altered.
- Sword Coast Stratagems, comprehensive mod that seemed very punishing after the first install, but now I can't really imagine playing without it. Makes enemies behave significantly smarter while using a minimum of tools not also available to the player, and contains a few neat fixes on top of that.
- Rogue Rebalancing, nice mod for anyone who likes using thieves or bards.
- G3 tweakpack.
- aTweaks, several changes to bring the game more in line with PnP and some other neat fixes, including a thief script that continually scans for traps, but unlike the stock script doesn't do so at the expense of everything else.
- Aurora's Shoes and Boots, nicely implemented shop, miniquest and item upgrade mod.
- NSC Portraits mod, that simply adds portraits to most minor characters you encounter.
That's about it, leaving out some of the very minor mods. Needless to say, the day I start mod installation is rarely the day I'm actually able to start playing the game.. but I rather like it that way.
Sword Coast Stratagems BG1 NPC Project Level 1 NPCs Minsc Berserker Mini-mod Herbs and Potions Add-ins Spell Revisions Song and Silence Divine Remix Sword and Fist Wild Mage Additions BG Mini-Quests & Encounters Dark Side of the Sword Coast Grey Clan: In Candlelight
SCS is the only really essential one for me, though.
I have to see if there are new BG1 NPC mods that were released over the last 4 years. If so, I might have a go at one of them.
I look forward in particular to the excellent Wild Mage Additions mod, given that we have a new Wild Mage NPC, Neera.
haven't really decided yet what I will add. definately just play vanilla first time to clearly see what was done and how it affected the overall game though. ~
Clean install with perhaps just an xp cap remover. I wonder if bg:ee will sell more copies once bg2:ee is released? I'm so unused to playing through baldurs gate 1 then just stopping.
Never played with any mods or tweaks, mainly because a lot of that is not available in German and it looks strange when it's mixed up. As BG:EE will probably be in English at first, I'll maybe install the NPC pack, if it works, and maybe the Mini Quests and Unfinished Business. I don't like stuff that messes with the original rules (even though Rogues Rebalanced seems delicious, and grand-mastery-restoration and proficiencies for MC characters are tempting).
Modless the first couple of times through... then I'll probably be asking for good mods right on these boards!
I'm kind of a stubborn guy when it comes to mods - either they are all as I want them to be, or I won't enjoy them too much. It's silly, I know, but perfection is all important when it comes to the perfect game! (dum dum duuuum)
Modless the first couple of times through... then I'll probably be asking for good mods right on these boards!
I'm kind of a stubborn guy when it comes to mods - either they are all as I want them to be, or I won't enjoy them too much. It's silly, I know, but perfection is all important when it comes to the perfect game! (dum dum duuuum)
I feel that, but I will be a first time father at the end of this year, which means probably only one BGEE playthrough. So I want to suck as much entertainment out of it as I can get! Soon all I will play is the changing diapers RPG...
For BG2, assuming Beamdog is still bound by the same hardline restrictions, it'll be "Unfinished Business", more Tweaks (such as the use of an "Edwina" portrait during the Nether Scrolls section), "Ascension" and maybe "Turnabout" assuming it's ever updated to work properly.
- ToB Extender to among other things disable the stoneskin colour, make sleeping creatues awaken when hit and have them drop their inventory when dying from freezing, disintegration and petrification.
- G3 fixpack.
- The combined 1pp pack, will likely be fully integrated in the EE.
- Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters, just what it sounds like.
- Sirine's Call, another miniquest.
- The Thalantyr mod that makes him able to modify/upgrade items, quite similar to Weimer's Item Upgrade mod for BG2.
- Lost Items mod, adds some otherwise rare or nonexisting BG2-items to BG1, like katanas etc. Should not be needed in BG:EE.
- The BG1 NPC Project. Probably the most essential BG1 mod for my playing experience, don't really want to go without it anymore. Will wait until it's compatible before undertaking a serious playthrough.
- BG1 Unfinished Business, nothing major but a lot of nice touches.
- Several NPC mods, like Finch, Mur'Neth and Indira. Even if I don't keep them all in the party for a full run, I try to run with them for a few in-game days at least.
- Spell Revisions, slightly edited to include only the spells I want altered.
- Sword Coast Stratagems, comprehensive mod that seemed very punishing after the first install, but now I can't really imagine playing without it. Makes enemies behave significantly smarter while using a minimum of tools not also available to the player, and contains a few neat fixes on top of that.
- Rogue Rebalancing, nice mod for anyone who likes using thieves or bards.
- G3 tweakpack.
- aTweaks, several changes to bring the game more in line with PnP and some other neat fixes, including a thief script that continually scans for traps, but unlike the stock script doesn't do so at the expense of everything else.
- Aurora's Shoes and Boots, nicely implemented shop, miniquest and item upgrade mod.
- NSC Portraits mod, that simply adds portraits to most minor characters you encounter.
That's about it, leaving out some of the very minor mods. Needless to say, the day I start mod installation is rarely the day I'm actually able to start playing the game.. but I rather like it that way.
BG1 NPC Project
Level 1 NPCs
Minsc Berserker Mini-mod
Herbs and Potions Add-ins
Spell Revisions
Song and Silence
Divine Remix
Sword and Fist
Wild Mage Additions
BG Mini-Quests & Encounters
Dark Side of the Sword Coast
Grey Clan: In Candlelight
SCS is the only really essential one for me, though.
I have to see if there are new BG1 NPC mods that were released over the last 4 years. If so, I might have a go at one of them.
I look forward in particular to the excellent Wild Mage Additions mod, given that we have a new Wild Mage NPC, Neera.
Definitely agree with that. I'll play vanilla the first time. After that hopefully most or all of the mods I want to run will be tweaked for BG:EE.
I'd definitely play vanilla first, tho.
I wonder if bg:ee will sell more copies once bg2:ee is released? I'm so unused to playing through baldurs gate 1 then just stopping.
I'm kind of a stubborn guy when it comes to mods - either they are all as I want them to be, or I won't enjoy them too much. It's silly, I know, but perfection is all important when it comes to the perfect game!
After it ships, I believe there will be a new surge of mods released which will specifically target BG:EE issues, so I will wait for them.
Soon all I will play is the changing diapers RPG...