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Looking for items from old mods and one NPC mod

rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
Howdy, I am looking for the Kiara/Zaiya mod, with a wild mage and a monk NPC team in it. The wild mage was placed in the cells in the slaver ship. Also, there was a mod that had very powerful (perhaps OP) items in it, such as Golden Olympus Plate, Lancelot's Armor, Excalibur, Rings of Protection +6, and many, many others.
Finally, which mod included a sewer encounter with a group of 5 enemies looking to shake you down for gold? They were placed right near Mekrath's entrance in the sewers under the temple district.
Thanks for any info you may have.


  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    Regarding the items, I also remember the rings of Tania. Diamond, titanium, etc. Very powerful. Also a Putrid Cape. Damn I miss those items!
  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    Plate of Camelot, Bracers of the Iron Imp, Eye Crusher; none of this rings a bell with anyone?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072

    Here is a link to the Kiara/Zaiya mod.

    As for the items, a hard to find and questionably balanced item mod? Is it Weimer's Underrepresented Weapons mod?

    The sewer entry mod sounds like PPG's Unfinished Business mod.

    Let me know if these helped.
  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    Yes, that helped out a great deal. I did run into that sewer encounter, not knowing where it came from was annoying me. And thank you for the NPC mod link. But believe it or not, Underrepresented was not the mod I was looking for. I have been scouring my old files for which mod could possibly make such ridiculously powerful items, but I am coming up zeroes. I will keep trying, but thank you for your help!
  • GwendolyneGwendolyne Member Posts: 461
    Kiara-Zaiya has been updated to v2.0.0.
  • psychlopespsychlopes Member Posts: 4
    the items are from Exenems add on. although it says it is not EE compatible, I had no problems installing it on BG2EE many times
  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    psychlopes wrote: »
    the items are from Exenems add on. although it says it is not EE compatible, I had no problems installing it on BG2EE many times

    Thanks! This helped last year, and now I am in the same boat as I deleted all old files in a computer HD change. Anyways, do you happen to know where I can get another copy of Exnem's vault? Completely rolling donuts on trying to find it. Not on, not on spellhold studios. Any tips you have would be helpful.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603 - it was linked to Sorcerer's Place misc page 3.
  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168 - it was linked to Sorcerer's Place misc page 3.

    Thanks for your help! I can't believe I missed it.
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