Icewind Dale (PT, BG ...) in high resolution?

So I am one of those impatient lads who are so thrilled to get a chance to re-play my most loved game from childhood that I just simply cannot wait till the September 18th. I must have something to fill the hole in me until B-Day happens. I thought of re-playing Icewind Dale. It was a pretty good game, so I think that would do the trick till I get my hands on BGEE. There is a bit of an issue playing it nowadays though... Back in the old days, I played it on a CRT monitor and everything was fine. Now when I'm trying to play a game like Icewind Dale, I have a problem finding the right resolution and settings. I have a laptop with a native resolution of 1920*1080. If I use this res. everything gets so small that I can barely see them not to mention the unreadable texts. If I lower the resolution, everything becomes blurry because my display doesn't like anything that isn't its native res.
I'm pretty sure there are many of you who played these games recently on a modern PC and faced the same situation. The question is, how do you play it? Which resolution works the best for you? There must be an acceptable way to play IWD.
Any suggestions?
I'm pretty sure there are many of you who played these games recently on a modern PC and faced the same situation. The question is, how do you play it? Which resolution works the best for you? There must be an acceptable way to play IWD.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for the comment anyway!
At least on my 17" full HD display, this seams to be the way to go. Luckily with BGEE I won't have this problem...
So nowadays, I just play with 800x600 and learn to ignore the letterbox strips on the sides of my screen. Even 1024x768 makes the avatars too small for my liking.
I'm buying and supporting BG:EE for a lot of reasons, but I'd buy if for just that one thing.