Icewind Dale EE with BG2 Tweaks
Member Posts: 5
I installed the magical item restriction tweak and selected no restrictions from BG2 Tweaks. I am still unable to equip more than one magical item on my character boosts AC protection. I get the "Can't be equipped due to other equipped magical items" error message. For example, I have Mail of Life armor equipped but I am unable to equip Mithran's Cloak. All the other tweaks installed work fine with the exception of this one. I have tried starting a new game but still encountering the same problem. Anyone having this issue and is there a work around to get it to work?
Wear Multiple Protection Items
This component allows players to wear more than one "X of Protection" item at a time. Players have their choice of two different implementations (from Ease of Use and G3/Tutu Tweaks respectively):
1) No restrictions. Players can wear as many items together as they wish.
2)P&P Style: In Pen and Paper AD&D, characters are allowed to wear magical armor with Rings/Cloaks/Amulets of Protection, but only the armor class bonus from one item would apply. This component gives every ring/cloak/amulet of protection the ability to be worn with or without its Armor Class bonus. With the AC bonus, the items retain their usual restrictions from being worn with other protection items or magic armor. Without their AC bonus, they can be worn together. This allows players to gain the benefits of the saving throw bonuses from the items of protection. To toggle between the versions that offer armor class bonuses and those without, use the item's special ability--the new item will be created in your inventory.
I tried option 2 P&P Style but there was no option to toggle since there's no special ability for any of the items. I know what that toggling option looks like since I have an item that has the ability to toggle ( ie Throwing Axe +2 which can be toggle between melee weapon or ranged weapon).